
Nancy Roman

I’m Not Quitting My Day Job

I celebrated Labor Day by skipping any Labor whatsoever.

But being a good nose-to-the-grindstone New Englander, I feel I should also celebrate Labor Day by celebrating actual Labor.

I like my job.

Let me count the ways.

1. First of all, they pay me. Well, duh. I work; I get paid. Only fair. But think about it – I do lots of things that are just as annoying as work that I don’t get paid for. Like paying bills, cleaning the house, getting gas (I really dislike the gas station). Sure, work is irritating. But I make money.

2. There isn’t any dress code. I like to dress up, but what I most like to dress up in is jeans. At work, I have the best jeans in a sea of jeans. Two weeks ago we had clean-up day, and I wore shorts. Such cute cuffed khakis – I could have been on safari, instead of cleaning out my file cabinet. Yea for no pantyhose.

3. They buy me stuff. I get pens and pencils. And best of all – a calendar. I love calendars. I get one every single year!

4. I look smart. My company is pretty small, and there’s not a lot of financial expertise. Except for me. This makes my very mundane talent look very wondrous indeed.

5. Lunch. I worked for many many years for a company that gave me a big expense account. In this job, I get zip. Nada. But about twice a year, our insurance agent takes me out to lunch. It is ever so sweet now that I don’t take it for granted. Sometimes I even get a doggie bag, and I have a reprise lunch the next day. I love our insurance agent.

6. I save money. Because I can use their supplies. And I don’t mean the pens and pencils. I am acutely, almost pathologically, honest about not taking them home. I mean toilet paper. If I go to the bathroom just before I leave the office, I can save maybe five squares of my own TP. I can even use more if I want. No one is watching. (I think.)

7. Birthday cake. At home, it’s just my husband and me. At work, it’s almost always someone’s birthday. There’s lots of cake.



  1. OMG…do you sit around the corner from my desk? I think I will take your point of view. Plus I have a few perks of my own…free coffee and milk. Better coffee than I can make at home. Good job!


    • I don’t get free coffee. I bring a big thermos of my own. I do get hand sanitizer though.


  2. Work is great, actually. It’s like old age — so much better when you consider the alternative.


    • I’d like to retire. But as long as I’m working….well…there’s cake.


  3. Gosh, I never considered the TP thing. I save A LOT of money by going to work…


    • See how generous your employer is? They could make you bring your own.


  4. mo

    Cake is a good thing.


  5. I noticed my grocery store expenditures rose after I retired. It’s that darn TP. Hm. I would never have caught that if you hadn’t mentioned it.


  6. *sigh* I miss my day job. We use to have cake too…and pencils…and toilet paper. *sigh*


    • Oh, yes…I’m really lucky that I can’t afford to retire.


  7. I miss the cake the most! And the pay. And I just had to buy my own business cards!


  8. Nut. I love it


  9. I work from home. I’m doing it now (or at least I was until your post came in), sitting all by myself, in my front room, in my bathrobe. I miss having people at work, even the annoying ones (maybe especially the annoying ones because they gave me the most to talk about when I got home). And, I miss the bike ride to and from the office. Been working from home for a year now and have gained 15 pounds, which explains why I’m still in my bathrobe.


    • We have no dress code, but I think they might frown on a bathrobe.


  10. It’s always about perspective – isn’t it? And you seem to bring a bright one to work with you everyday. If I had your job…I’d love it too!


    • But in every job…there’s Toilet Paper! We should all be very thankful.


  11. We had free sodas and coffee too. When I retired I thought I would save money. In a sense I did. I buy less clothes and shoes but I’m still working on that. However, the groceries quadrupled. I must be a 10 square user for sure. I was also appalled that I had to buy my own soda! Mostly I miss the weird people. Lots of blogging fodder. Love the way you put things in perspective!


    • If I quit my job, I would only be able to blog about my husband. Of course, that could keep me pretty busy for a few years.


  12. Fun list. I sometimes think about the toilet paper advantage, too. And how much water I save at home by flushing at work. 😉


    • Make sure you drink a lot from the water fountain too. Well worth it.


  13. Laurie MacKellar

    You all do birthdays? We never get bagels. It is important to stay connected so work is important, I think. I like the sound of the place you are at now. So you wear jeans to work?


    • We have no dress code at all. Although I work at the office, we all still feel like we work at a farm, and that mentality carries over to everything. Unfortunately, it means that everyone has to be here at dawn too.


  14. I miss dressing up for work, even if it is in good jeans. When I am not on projects with clients I really miss that. I would have never thought about the TP thing, wow.


    • It is a good thing they don’t include it on our W-2 as a fringe benefit.


  15. wow. you just gave me seven very good reasons to find a real job. what was I thinking using all of my own toilet paper by working from home?


  16. From now on, I will insist that ALL family members visit the toilet before leaving work/school. Excellent idea!


    • In a few years, you’ll be able to afford a Hawaiian vacation.


  17. Sallie

    Howling with laughter. Now if I could just get someone to hire me …. LOL. Then again, wouldn’t be working on my own book to publish if i still had a job … slightly bright side. LOL. Wonderful reasons to go to work.


    • I’ve also been working on a book. But I’m keeping my day job. That way I can be assured of Cake and Toilet Paper.


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