
Nancy Roman

Again With Boots

If I appear slightly obsessed with boots… well…I guess I can live with that.

But it’s not my fault. Boots just keep tromping into my life.

To recap (yeah, that’s another post; everything converges), I bought these great boots, although I had to get them two sizes too big in order to zip them up around my sixty-year-old calves.

They’re big, dark, biker boots, but I like them.  I am still on the lookout though, for the classy version. (The yellow rainboots will stay in my fantasy life.)

The weather was kind of nasty Monday, so I wore them to my Yoga class.  Not to do Yoga in – just to leave them looking fabulous by the door.

This is my new Yoga class.  To be exact, it’s my second new Yoga class this year. At the beginning of January, I decided to step it up and I enrolled in the advanced Yoga class at a terrific new studio. I’ve been practicing Yoga for ten years. I figured it was time to advance. I took two classes. After the first class, the very kind instructor pointed out that I might want to consider the 7PM beginner’s class.  I explained that I wanted to challenge myself.

After the second class, the very kind instructor pointed out that the beginner’s class is still available.

So after considerable soul-searching (actually, it wasn’t so much soul-searching as wrist-searching; thirty plank asanas per class is a LOT), I went to the beginner’s class this week.

After all, Yoga is not a competition (Yes, I have a blogpost about that too). It is a state of mind. It is ‘being in the moment’. I just happen to have been in the same moment for ten years.

Of course, if Yoga was a competition, I could win in the most-consistent category.

…By the way, here is my favorite (i.e., only) Yoga joke:  What did the yogi say to the hot dog vendor?  ‘Make me one with everything.’ …

Okay, that’s not exactly the moment.

But beginner’s class was good. I liked it. So what if everyone else was trying Yoga for the very first time? That just made me the most graceful person in the class. Except for falling out of my ‘tree’ of course. My tree always sways in the breeze.  I am a birch, not an oak.

After class, I sat on the bench in the anteroom to put on my gorgeous boots.

A tall, willowy beginner yogini – so, okay, she could hold her tree…big deal…showed me again that she could stand on one foot. She put on her boots standing up. Long skinny black boots.

But here was the amazing part: While I struggled to get the two sides of the zipper to meet around my calf, this young thing’s boots were already zipped. She must have pulled them off without bothering to unzip them. And then she put them back on the same way. She just pulled them on.

Those boots must have been made out of the most stretchy material ever invented.

She just pulled them on!

I was filled with awe. Which is a by-product of Yoga.

And hostility. Which is not exactly.


  1. Love it! How come they don’t make boots as big around the calves as they used to? I can’t figure that one out!
    By the way, you are my new hero for continuing on with yoga for 10 years…I keep meaning to start it but somehow never quite seem to get around to it…and I have a problem because I can’t get down on my knees at all…I know there is ‘chair yoga’ now, but I figure I’d be in the group with everyone else over 100!
    Cute drawing, too…love the fact that you are now including your own artwork with your posts…who needs wikipedia for images, right?


  2. I completely get your obsession with boots. It’s the exercise thing that baffles me. First Zumba and now two new Yoga classes already this year. Impressive. I can’t find time to walk downstairs to my own basement and climb on my elliptical machine.


    • It sounds like a lot of exercise – but only 1 evening yoga class per week and 1 Saturday morning Zumba. The rest of the time, I veg.


  3. Don’t fret. I have boots with no zipper at all that I can pull off easily. They are cheap, slutty vinyl-looking things, though. I’d rather wear my zippy ones any day – much classier.


  4. Anytime I need a good laugh, I know just the place. Another funny post.


  5. ‘I am a birch, not an oak’ – I love that! It’s so very zen of you.


  6. She probably had one of those stretchy over knee one’s (I have a pair of those too) – my favorite boots are about 10 y.o. and they kind of look like that too – they used to be cognac coloured, but now they are just dull brown.
    They don’t look like anything, but they are the most comfortable boots I ever had.
    I would sleep in them, if my b.f. let me


    • Her boots looked like leather, but after a lot of thought, I have decided they were made out of silly putty. Very stretchable.


  7. I always fall asleep in yoga class so it’s not much exercise for me. I did do some leg lifts today while standing at the kitchen counter typing tomorrow’s blog. Does that count?


  8. pharphelonus

    LOL. I’ve heard the one with everything joke using the Dalai Lama and a pizza parlor.
    Nice boots, too. I have some shark skin cowboys boots I really need to get resoled.


    • That joke works great with the Dalai Lama!


  9. Love your boots! Stylish, and you could be an extra in “Mad Max” as well.

    I have a pair that I’ve owned for years and couldn’t wear because of the calves issue. Dug them out of my closet and got them zipped up (while seated, by the way) and wore them just yesterday.


  10. JWo

    Those are some pretty kick-ass boots.

    Tammy has a lot of boots that, thanks to Jake, we now call “Whore Heels.” Obviously they have heels on them. haha…

    She had boots on when we went to a basketball game and fell as we were walking toward the car after the came. She was in the backseat on the way home talking about how her ankle hurt when Jake, who was driving, chimed in.

    Jake: Who wears Whore Heels to a basketball game anyway?


  11. Hello? Hello? Is there anybody here? I stopped by my office on the way home from dinner with the Friday night gang and hope you are having a great weekend. I did NOT wear boots today, but I wore suede shoes and it just started to snow. I think I had a little too much wine, so I’m waiting for it to wear off before I drive home. Bye!


    • Protect those shoes! (and please let the wine wear off before you drive home)


  12. Dor

    I just found you through comments on whiteelephantintheroom and love your blog. Don’t worry about zipping up those teeny bopper boots – advice from an over-60. Can’t wait for your next post! Dor


  13. Aaaah…the life lessons we learn on our mats!! (I’m in the middle of an intensive yoga-teacher-training…lots and lots of learning happening there..). Love the humor – as always!


  14. My slouchy, short, flat-soled red boots are, next to my husband and kids, the best thing that ever happened to me. When my kids are tantrumming, I’d put the boots first.


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