
Nancy Roman

The Joys Of August

It’s August.

The political conventions are over. They have left me with sleepless nights and high blood pressure. And there are so many days to go of increasing nastiness and vicious side-taking.

I worry. I want us all to be okay.

I am from the Woodstock generation, after all. I thought – for a very short time – that we could all love each other.

But I will get through August.

I will find some serenity in the simple pleasures of high summer.

Here are 31 of my joys that will help me (and I hope you) get through the next 31 days.

  1. Corn on the cob
  2. Johnny Mathis singing “Wonderful, Wonderful” or “Misty” or “Chances Are” – or just about anything
  3. Pearls
  4. “The African Queen”
  5. My dog’s smile  0729161449a_HDR_resized
  6. Chocolate ice cream
  7. Lobster rolls
  8. The last page of a great book, knowing another is waiting for me
  9. Dozing on a comfy lounge chair
  10. My cat’s frownlillianscowl
  11. Riding in the convertible on a starry night
  12. Sharing pretzels with the seagulls on the beach
  13. Pedicures with lavender polish
  14. Country fairs
  15. James Taylor
  16. Eau de Chloe
  17. Tomatoes still sun-warm eaten right from the garden
  18. Beaded sandals 0801161344_resized
  19. Putting on warm dry clothes after spending hours in a wet bathing suit
  20. Iced coffee
  21. Bronzing powder
  22. Buying my mother scratch-off lottery tickets
  23. My husband calling me Angel
  24. Little boys on bicycles with baseball gloves hanging from the handlebars
  25. The smell of charcoal and steaks wafting through the neighborhood
  26. Clean smooth sheets
  27. Blueberry picking in the late still afternoon blueberries
  28. Putting on Paul Simon’s Graceland and dancing while I dust the house
  29. Cheeseburgers with a side of Ruffles
  30. Toddlers (and grown-ups) running through the water sprinkler
  31. Black-Eyed Susans blackeyedsusans



  1. I share many of your Joys of August!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love your list! Happy August to you!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. ultrarunner2014

    LOVED this! Thanks for making my day! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Deb

    Outstanding list! Isn’t August the best – one of my favorite months.


    • I love the height of summer! I am going to pretend there is no election for a few weeks.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Bobbi

        There is no election….there is a circus instead. Oh, if only the animals could take over and the clowns would go away.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. And those sheets should be cool, too. Especially on a hot night…


    • Absolutely. But here is something crazy… last week I was doing the laundry and forgot to put the sheets in the dryer. So they were still wet when it was time for bed. The only other bottom sheet I had (my husband tends to rip a lot of sheets… he kicks a lot in his sleep) was a flannel sheet. We put it on the bed, just for the one night, and it felt so good we used it a few more days!


  6. Interesting mix. Love your dog’s smile


  7. August here is different. The joys of winter include sudden sunny days, walks along deserted beaches with my son and his dog, curling into a comfy couch with a good book, and and…thanks for sharing


  8. Wonderful late summer joys. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. What sweet things – I guess I’m hungry, I can taste those blueberries, and tomatoes, and smell that steak!
    Thank you for taking me out of this Texas heat for a couple of minutes!


    • Thanks.. I am savoring a few nice blueberries right now. It’s Mother Nature’s perfect fruit, I think.


      • Ray G

        Also one of, if not the, most healthful, ever.

        Liked by 1 person

  10. I couldn’t have chosen 31 better things — you are a fun, sparkly heart!


    • Thanks…. I think I am going to do a list every month. I do not think there is any limit to how many nice and simple joys there are in the world.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I think that’s a great idea. Maybe I will do it too!


  11. August already each year the months seem to fly past


  12. Thanks. I needed that!


  13. Ray G

    For some reason I needed that sudden memory jolt of a steam engine’s clatter when you mentioned “African Queen”. Thanks.


  14. Pam

    Great list of summer joys! I would have to add freshly cut, perfectly ripe watermelon to mine. Thanks for sharing!


    • Oh, I think I will have to squeeze that in!!


  15. Love.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Most lovely. You forgot #32: Reading a beautiful, thoughtful, evocative post about August


  17. So much left to do – and actually enjoy – when we tune out from the political soap operas.


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