
Nancy Roman

Yoga Porn

I may be known – (okay … famous) for spending too much on jeans and purses and haircuts.

But I just can’t shell out a lot of money for exercise clothes.

It’s not that I don’t want to look hot during hot yoga.  But sweating into expensive duds just goes against my all my fashion beliefs. (Why, I considered swiping my deodorant over my whole body before putting on my wedding gown – regardless of the fact that I bought a sample dress and paid half-price.)

But they have cute clothes in TJ Maxx and Target that I can sweat into without guilt.  $19.99 is good. $12.99 is better.

Now some women say that cheap workout clothes won’t hold up in the wash. But I have a pair of Jockey brand yoga capris that I have been wearing for eight years. They were stretchy enough to accommodate my thighs when I was a bit chubby – and they still have enough stretch to not fall off of me now that I am thinner. (Yup, I have managed to mention my weight loss yet again- thank you for your patience.)

I did buy some good yoga leggings recently. I had a coupon from Groupon and bought a very nice pair of $48.00 Gaiam leggings for $24.00, so they were just a little over my $19.99 threshold. And the first week I wore them, my senile cat made a nice big snag in the knee, as he tried to get my attention during a particularly interesting round of Words With Friends.

The top of the line in yoga clothes is Lululemon.  Lululemon’s leggings go for $98.00.  And though I think it is just nuts to spend that much to sweat, the Lululemon brand is wildly popular amongst the cute-while-sweating set. High-fashion, high-quality – and the adorable little logo on the back of your calf tells the world you have good taste – and more money than sense.

So I read with fascination this week that Lululemon is recalling their best-selling leggings. The reason – they are much sheerer than acceptable. And this is not the first time that Lululemon has had an over-exposure problem.

God – in a rare moment of sweet compassion – created the human body in such a way that you can’t see your own ass.

But yoga teachers in the trendier studios noticed that they were getting a much clearer image during downward dog that they were comfortable with. But for the most part, they didn’t comment. Yoga instructors are not judgmental, as a rule.

However, these yoga fashionistas like to wear their Lululmenon leggings out in the real world. (That calf-logo is still there, after all.) And so out to lunch went these logo-laden ladies with sheer behinds.  And shopping. And to pick up their little progeny at school. And eventually, someone noticed.

And I – in a rare moment of sweet compassion – would like to offer this comment to these unfortunately over-exposed fellow yoginis:

“Ha ha on you!”



  1. Somehow, when I saw the title of this post in my e-mail, I knew it had to be yours….!


  2. Completely concur. When I zumba, I am a disgusting mess of sweat and yuck. That is why I’m wearing paint-spattered sweats and a 15-year-old T-shirt.


    • Oh, I want to be cute when I zumba – but a cheap kind of cute.


  3. You are so mean but so right. I exercise in a 10 year old sweatshirt and pants that are too short! I go to the old lady gym so no one can see very well anyway! I doubt they would have noticed any ass showing.


  4. I saw that report, and immediately thought, “and that’s why I never spend money on exercise clothes.” Oh, and also because I exercise at home. In my bedroom. But that’s beside the point.


    • When I work out at home, I wear the yoga pants with the big grease stain.


  5. Blahahahaha! Good one! And my sage and rhyming quote of the day is, “A snag in the knee is better than a rear you can see.” 🙂


    • Ha! (But why couldn’t old Merlin snag a cheaper pair?)


  6. Fantastic! If there ever comes a point that my behind truly looks great in yoga pants, I’m wearing them all the time. Meanwhle I’ll stick to my old shorts & a baggy tee to sweat in 🙂



    • I do sometimes wonder what the person behind me is thinking….that I have a cute tush or that old lady tushes are rather gross?


  7. Somehow I knew it had to be you, then I thought I must rush over to read you first. Now I am LMAO (I truly wish as this would mean I would never see the inside of the gym).

    I adore Target exercise clothing, both the price and the selection…black and more black. Must my style. I actually live in mine when not at work, so have some for the gym and some for everywhere else.

    I suspect the person behind you thinks, dang I want to be just like her!


    • The most I am hoping for is that she is thinking – “I want to be just like her when I am that old!”


  8. The only thing that could improve this image is for a bit of TP to be hanging out …


  9. So completely hilarious I almost spewed my coffee! My husband told me I was laughing like a hyena. Isn’t he sweet…..


  10. Hilarious!


  11. I laughed out loud! I do water exercise–swimming suit bottoms get thin over time, especially on older-lady-size behinds. Only you never know about your own! 1st time I clearly saw a woman’s crack through her suit, I went home and held my suits up to a bright light. One had to go. And I told the woman her suit had gotten see-through. She probably hates me now, but I’d want to know. I tell people about stuff in their teeth, too. Buggers–only my husband and daughters.


    • Now I wonder how long your swimsuit was showing you off.


  12. Ha ha on them. Hilarious!


  13. You see, I would exercise in the oldest crap I could find around the house because I wouldn’t want the pricey stuff to get ruined. Then I would put the LuLu stuff on to run the errands so everyone could see. Of course in this case they really would see everything and I would be mortified. Good thing I can’t afford LuLu Lemon. Great post!


  14. I’m still laughing – ruefully. I’m far too cheap to buy Lululemon, but I wear cheapo yoga pants every day in my home office. At the time when I read this, I had already prepared my post for tomorrow… you guessed it, the cheapo ones wear through eventually, too… 🙂


  15. Yoga-Barbie in your picture deserves a little embarrassment as partial payback for having the good fortune of having such a great body. Not that I’m jealous or anything.

    I wear old, thin cotton sweats with a broken cord at the waist. I guess I could style it up a LITTLE bit more than that.



  1. Covering My Ass | Diane Henders

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