
Nancy Roman

I’m Sticking With It

I’ve heard it said that when you find a style that suits you, you should stick with it.

I’m not sure who said that – it was definitely not one of my mother’s pearls – but if I had to wager a guess, I’d say:

Liza Minnelli

Over the years I have developed a fondness for cardigan sweaters.  I love a cardigan sweater over a cami.  I love it with jeans, slacks, crops, skirts, shorts.  I’d probably even go for harem pants, if I could add a cardigan.

Cardigans are figure-flattering, no matter what.  Having a skinny day?  Button in at the middle, and give yourself a teeny waist.  Chubby today?  Leave it open and the two sides will give you a nice vertical line–very slimming with that one stripe of camisole down the middle.  I prefer a white cami, just about always, although a pop of color is sometimes nice.  Like off-white.

So the other day my husband and I stopped at TJ Maxx so he could buy some new underwear.  He’s responsible for his own laundry, so I have no idea why he needs six pairs every month or so, but that’s his business.

Anyway, while he was contemplating whether he wanted to try those new bermuda-brief things, I wandered over to the sweater department.  They had a whole new shipment of cardigans, and the price was excellent.  I was especially drawn to the pale gray-green and the orchid.  These colors would really work with my wardrobe, so I bought both.

So now I have an almost complete cardigan collection.

 It’s almost complete, because I’m thinking about going back for the ecru that would fit nicely into this mix… and I could always use a paler blue.  Or a darker green.

I have some print cardigans too – argyle, paisley. floral.  Because they add significant variety to my wardrobe.


  1. I’m with you on the cardigans! I have to admit that I probably have a dozen of them in black then dozens of other colors. Don’t feel dressed unless I have one on.


    • That’s perfectly acceptable. I only photographed one of my black ones (but of course I have a few…)


  2. bigsheepcommunications

    Count me among the cardigan lovers! I’m on the prowl for a fresh supply because I wear the few that I have to death.


  3. Basically, I don’t enjoy shopping, however, once I’m out there I feel I need to make the most of it and basically buy in twos and threes in different colour. Makes sense to me.


  4. It’s like a rainbow. 🙂


    • Exactly! How could a rainbow be a bad thing?


  5. pharphelonus

    You could outfit a Howard Cunningham convention all by yourself!

    There’s something to be said for being consistent. Very cute.


  6. Kay

    I’m so glad we have discovered each other’s blogs! You are my new hero. My style is turtleneck, though, rather than cardigan. I’m quite sure turtlenecks and cardigans are the most compatible of apparel!


    • There are turtleneck people and cardigan people – and a few turtleneck with cardigan people. Alas, among the 100 things I am self-conscious about is my short neck. No turtlenecks for me.


  7. How do you do it – almost everyday some fun stuff on your blog! I L-O-V-E your cardigan collection! Check mine soon – we’ve “got our Tiki on!” and I feel a blog comin’ on.


  8. Your cardigans are lovely, but I feel I must warn you, here: I have a friend who can’t pass up any sale, 2fers, buy 1 get 1 at half price, by 3 for the price of 2 . . . you get the idea. Well she happened upon a hat sale. And she didn’t even like hats ~~ I’ve never seen her wear a hat, but you know, they WERE on sale, so as I said, she couldn’t pass up any sale. Five years later, she’s still trying to get rid of them, so if you happen to know anyone who’s looking for hats . . . . . d:▲) Janet aka cuhome


    • Hats are no temptation. Watches, on the other hand….


  9. “A pop of color is sometimes nice. Like off-white.” You make me laugh, lady.


  10. Garry Coltrane

    Lza Sweet Liza!
    I love you in cardigans, but with your Classic Legs, please oh! please don’t forget the skirts that you look so wonderful wearing!



  1. Vanishing Waistland « notquiteold
  2. Skinny, But Not Too Skinny « notquiteold

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