
Nancy Roman

Sending The Right Message

Yesterday, when I was driving home from the supermarket, ahead of me was one of those big, fancy pickup trucks. As the light turned red, I came up close on his tail, and I saw that he had a decal on the back window of his cab. This was no normal decal – no Praise The Lord or even a Castrol Motor Oil. Nope. For one thing the decal was HUMONGOUS – it took up the whole back window.

And its message?

locally hated


Yes, that’s what it said:

Locally Hated

For the rest of the day, I couldn’t get that decal out of my mind. I kept wondering what it meant. I thought perhaps it was the name of a rock band. It seemed like it would be a good name for a heavy metal group, and since I am not very knowledgeable in the metal genre (meaning: I like James Taylor and I’m on Medicare), I figured that must be the answer. This trucker must be a big fan – or maybe the sound guy.

I finally googled it.

There is no band called Locally Hated.

But there are dozens of web sites where you can buy these decals, bumper stickers, and even clothing. It seems that Locally Hated is a popular slogan with certain people.

I visited half a dozen or so of those online Locally Hated shops. Not one of them gave me an explanation of that it meant. And I googled Locally Hated Meaning and Locally Hated Origin. Nothing.

So it must mean just what it says.

But if Locally Hated is a popular slogan with certain people, that leaves me with an even bigger question. Who ARE these certain people who want to advertise that they are Locally Hated?

For the life of me … (that’s one of my mother’s favorite expressions by the way)…For the life of me, I cannot understand WHY anyone would be proud that his neighbors can’t stand him.  Happy that people you’ve lived next to, for years perhaps, are praying that you’ll move away?

They must be like the other people I cannot comprehend: like those who brag that they cheat on their taxes – or on their spouse – yet still condemn others’ beliefs and lifestyles. Proud of their tempers. Proud of their hate. Never forgive; Never forget. The person on Twitter who hoped I would die because I expressed a different political opinion.

And of course, now that I googled it and browsed those sites, I am now getting ads on Facebook offering me all kinds of Locally Hated merchandise.

But, please. No thank you.

Although some people boast about not caring what other people think, and I do agree that we shouldn’t be held hostage to other people’s opinions, I have no wish (not even way down my wishlist) to be locally hated.

My goal is to be a good person. My happiness may not be dependent on whether I am liked, but I do hope – as a good person – that I am not hated by my neighbors.

I think there may be a market for a nicer, kinder, decal.

I’d like mine to say:

locally appreciated


Maybe I can even find the kind of vinyl decal that I can put on and peel off at will, so I can change my message as needed.

Here’s what I hope to represent to my neighbors:

borrow stuffbabysitnice yardnoisypartiesridedogpoophottubgarden

Maybe I can start a little business. I can offer decals and bumper stickers that brag about how nice we all are.

I can do all these little sayings with lawn signs too.  It could be very effective. Our neighbors would know as they walk or drive by that we are sweet and considerate.

I wonder if this country would change if we all advertised our kindness.



  1. I much prefer your decals.


  2. I love your lawn signs. Sort of like that thing that says ‘Safe House’ (you know, for kids and such) but more imaginative. there must be a market for personalised bumper stickers mind you. Mine would say ‘I Drive Slow and Don’t Hit Wombats. How About You?’


    • I think all cars should bear signs that say “I’ll let you in my lane” or “I won’t let you in my lane” – so at least you know where you stand.

      Liked by 2 people

      • wolfer715

        I had a MN PLATE TRUCK ARC-567 with LOCALLY HATED chrome sticker on back glass that couldn’t keep his truck in his own lane the entire drive from northside end of the town to the east side of town without going over the fog line, center line, divider line, or the snowbanks all while doing 10 over in a 25mph-35mph zone all the while on his phone & smoking with tinted windows so dark all you could see was his shadow.

        Found this sign on eBay: HONK IF YOU LOVE JESUS. TEXT WHILE DRIVING IF YOU WANT TO MEET HIM. And this website:


  3. I think you have the start of a great business.


    • And I wouldn’t even have to make a big profit. Break Even would be just fine, because people would be nicer.

      Liked by 1 person

      • The profit would be in the good will and smiles that would come as the result of reading the stickers.


    • My thoughts exactly.


  4. I love your decals and yard signs! I haven’t seen “Locally Hated” decals around here. If I did, I think I’d be a little afraid to ask the driver what it meant.


    • That’s the first time I ever saw one. So I was really surprised to see so many websites carrying that slogan in decals and even in clothing.


  5. I, too, love your decals and signs! It probably would be a nicer world if we all displayed messages of GOOD. And I think as far as the “locally hated” merchandise (which, by the way, I’ve never seen), it’s probably just liked by young folks for its shock value. We probably went for some things that shocked the older generation when we were younger, too!


    • My sign was always the Peace sign – “Make Love Not War” – but there were a lot of old people who didn’t like my sign much.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Pam

    Ha ha! Gives parents Halloween candy, too. Full size bars! Love it!

    I’ve never seen the “Locally Hated” decals in my area, and like you, can’t figure out why in the world anyone would be proud of that. Like Dianna said, it must be shock value and certainly an attention grabber.


    • My husband always took pride in giving out full size candy bars – to kids and their parents alike. Unfortunately, we now live out in the woods. No more little or big treaters.


  7. I agree, yours are much nicer decals!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. LOL! I love your idea of the stickers about good things! That would be great! I think you could do a good business if you opened a website to sell those.


  9. I wish this campaign would take off. I really do. especially like the lawn placards.

    But I also think your right. Somehow, somebody discovered that a good way to get attention is by being controversial, even if it means being UNkind. It’s become a thing. So I wasn’t surprised to see the Locally hated sticker. Dissappointed, but not surprised.

    Keep going with your Kindness campaign. I’ve been following and cheering and doing my darndest to be a decent role model. Somethings gonna stick.


    • The more awful the world seems to be getting, the nicer I am determined to be.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Your stickers are awesome!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Your idea is awesome. I’d love to see stickers that say things like, “Drives the Speed Limit; Feel Free to Pass” or “Stops for Canada Geese, Squirrels and Raccoons” (we have a lot of those crossing the road around here in the springtime). This is a great business idea – go for it!


    • I would like one that said, “I’ll let you cut in front of me…. pay someone else that little kindness too.”


      • How about just “Pay kindness forward”? (and then hope everyone did!!?!?!?)


  12. Great entry. Being of a somewhat contrary nature, I was thinking the only case where you would not want to be appreciated by your neighbours would be if you were the only good person around and it was a thorn in their sides. 🙂


    • I suppose if I were surrounded by bigots, I would accept that they hated me. But I would like to help change their minds about me and about a lot of other things.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Doesn’t having a big ass truck like that mean you are locally hated or really annoying? Then again, I’m sure some nice people have pick up trucks but they are usually beat up (the trucks not the people). My bumper sticker — Breaks for animals, not so much for people (oops! that isn’t very kind, is it?)


    • My husband has a big truck and the neighbors love him, because he will plow their snowy driveways and help them pick up big shit.


  14. Connie Granberg

    Please move in next door to us! 🙂 Would love to have you as my neighbor Girlfriend – and your funny furry dog too!


    • Thanks. I love Connecticut, but by the end of winter (meaning now), I am ready to move south.


  15. Love this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. I like the “love your neighbors as yourself’

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Your decals are much preferred by me. I wouldn’t want to be Locally or any other kind of hated.


  18. Reblogged this on Living: the ultimate team sport and commented:
    Yes. Being kind, extending kindness – whether by words or actions – can create far more lasting and positive vibes and outcomes than proliferating hatred. Thanks, Nancy.


    • I am determined not to let anger or hatred overtake me… sometimes it is a struggle, but the more I focus on being kind, the easier it is.


  19. Nancy, I love that you and I are kindness freaks. I’ve always thought I was a kind person, but for some reason, 2017 has inspired me to proliferate such kindness far more frequently than before.


    • This year requires drastic kindness, if one could call it that.


  20. I’d pay big money for your bumper stickers, Nancy. Great post!


  21. Yours are better indeed, the type I wouldn’t mind on my car

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Christine

    Oh Boy – can’t wait for hot tub season! I’m gonna remember this. By the way, the Art Squad did an anonymous nice sign campaign a short while back – until they finally revealed who they were.

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Like your strategy much more. Can’t figure out why anyone in the right mind would want to brag about being hated, whether locally or otherwise.


    • Me neither… that’s why I became so fixated on that decal that when I got home I looked it up.


  24. I like and love your post


  25. I sometimes take-up such philosophic topics, or consider things in a light that I hadn’t heard or read about, on my blog. So here’s my take on the meaning behind: “Locally Hated”.

    Given the divisiveness that goes on, both within and among Americans today, perhaps these are just people who believe: Whatever you believe, or disbelieve, there will always be some–in our neighborhood, our workplace, our broader group of friends and associates–who you must refrain from discussing any controversial topics with.

    But, should we just throw our hands-up, and not engage in what separates Mankind from our closest anthropological relatives? But for me, I don’t play golf, putter in the garden, and have lost all interest in the money-grubbing sports teams. So, who can I talk to, and about what?


    • I have taboo subjects even with people I love.


  26. Very well done. Now, I’m wondering about the origins! You are correct, much easier, and rewarding, to be pleasant than hated.


    • Being angry doesn’t make me feel better. I’ll save my anger for stuff that is really important.

      Liked by 1 person

  27. That’s just plain weird!


  28. Heidi

    I’m late to the thread here, but I found this because I too was googling “what does locally hated mean” and I believe it to be true that just simple dickheads refer to themselves as locally hated, simply because they are simple dickheads. My experience was hiking with my 5 month old puppy, and along comes a “locally hated (but probably universally hated)” dude with his well chained but clearly not friendly dog. Now my pup loves people and other dogs, but is still learning to not run up to them and initiate play. She was off the leash (as she is really good about staying with me until she sees someone/dog else). But it’s all in good fun. This guy hassled me as I tried to get her on her leash, all the while his dog was lunging at mine. He had the audacity to say, “good before I kick it too hard.” -meaning my dog, the puppy. In shock I continued on with major bitch face, trying to catch my puppy. Since I was near the end of the trail when this happened, and worried that my frightened pup might run off, I did not react the way I wished I had.. I did however do a real good once over of his vehicle, and found the “locally hated” sticker on the back, which too left me wondering why someone would become a self proclaimed dick.


    • Isn’t it insane how some people are proud to be assholes?????


      • karen mcgillis

        It’s true, there’s an obnoxious guy on our street who is proud to be an asshole. He brags about it, like it’s badge of honor. He has this on one of his many old beater trucks. He’s just trash.


  29. Jake

    Locally hated, in my area, is just a thing our car group says about each others cars. for example I drive a stanced miata that is lime green, black wheels, black accents, and a black hard top. A lot of people hate my car, therefore I am locally hated. Personally I don’t care what people think of my car because I love it, but most people hate it because everyone has their opinions.


    • Thanks for your comment – your explanation is so much nicer than what I was imagining!


  30. Cam

    Lol you must’ve seen my truck bud simply means my trucks loud aggressive and bad ass and people have it bc there simply haters bc I work for everything I got quit hating on our trucks man we are just doing what we like


    • tonymarcuzzo

      I agree with you. Most trucks that have that sticker are really loud and aggressive sounding. Or the truck might have really wide tires that take up the whole road. And this look and style isn’t appealing to other people who don’t like our style and how we roll in the south. For example old people usually like to complain about loud exhaust and think lifted trucks are stupid so that makes us guys locally hated. Also cops don’t like loud, wide, lifted trucks so they will pull you over and that’s why we have locally hated stickers just because that’s how we roll and it’s cool to us and the truck community.


      • Kristen M Mullins

        I drive a small Chevy impala nothing big and loud


  31. David Durr

    It means like us or love us we don’t care! Why your worried a
    Bout what people think or say we don’t care. We are who we are and proud


  32. Jason

    Glad I’m not the only one looking at those decals wondering what in the world


  33. Brittany Nicholson

    Thanks for the article!


  34. Kristen M Mullins

    My car has a locally hated decal on it. For different people it may mean different things but for me its means that I dont care what you think of me, I dont care that you dont like me. I love my life I will live my life and embrace my life. I was bullied most of my childhood and teenage years. I grew up poor and ragged and always cared what other thought of me I was scared of what to were and how to do my hair because what if they didn’t like me. Girls hated me because I got along better with guys. I hated drama. I was picked kn because my cloths where old and baggy. Then as I gold older I got bad acne and the bullying continued i was quiet and kept to myself. I was depressed and suicidal. After high school and having kids I learned to love myself. And embrace my life. I stopped caring what random people thought of me. Yes was was hated for a long time and there are still people out there that don’t like me but you know what I DONT CARE. #LocallyHated


    • Thomas



  35. S

    I love your idea!!!


  36. Paula Thoele

    Seriously strange synchronicity here. Driving to the supermarket. See not one but two Seriously Hated decals. Wondered to myself husband “do you think it’s a band?” Googled it and found your blog! With the same story and thoughts. I would definitely buy a decal that says “Locally befriended”! Or almost any of your suggestions!


    • How funny you should find this today! I was just thinking about this post. I still don’t get why anyone is proud of being disliked,


  37. Cindy JonesTaylor

    My first locally hated sign on the back window of a souped up muscle car…Like you I couldn’t understand WHY would anyone be proud of hating. I found your page refreshing and I love your car window stickers and yard signs😍 Sending the right message is the way to go. Thank you.


  38. M

    I really like your signs!!!!


  39. Rae

    I have the locally hated sticker on the back of my truck- but for a reason most might not think of. I was bullied my entire life since I was a child. By a large part of my hometown and the surrounding towns. A lot of people know of me but do not know me personally. I’ve become successful and own multiple businesses, and learned how to stand up for myself. I thought it was pretty fitting. I used to be so depressed over how badly I was bullied. But now it motivates me to keep making my life better. So in my case it isn’t something bad.


  40. Jamie

    I too had to go through the Google journey of figuring out the meaning to this phrase, and perhaps ironically, it led me to your page!

    I really, really enjoyed your article. It made my sadness at such a decal existing be a little less sad, and filled me with hope!

    -Love from someone in their 30’s from Missouri



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