
Nancy Roman

But My Ankles Look Slim.

Last month when I spent the day in New York City, I found that my beloved boot-cut jeans were out of fashion, and everyone was wearing skinny jeans tucked into boots (“Country Mouse“).

How I figured I'd look in the new jean/boot combination, except skinnier and younger, since I drew it myself.

I always buy Christmas presents for myself. And guess what? I always seem to pick out just the perfect gift for me. It’s uncanny.

So I bought some slim jeans at the after-Christmas sale. (And not only does giftee-me love the presents I buy me; I’m also very understanding if giver-me is a little late. What a perfect relationship.) I opted for the slim-cut rather than the all-out skinny, since it seems that  skin-tight denim on sixty-year-old thighs doesn’t necessary play as well as in the drawing above.

On to the boots. It appears that after Christmas is not a good time to get boots on sale. There wasn’t much to choose from. Nothing that looked like my fantasy boot. Well, actually there were some, but not in my size.  Well, actually there were some in my size, but my size had somehow changed.

I couldn’t get these boots on. My mother always complains that she can’t get boots wide enough for her calves. And in these, my mature years, I can’t either. None of the tall boots would zip up. I needed another inch of width.

Then I found a pair. They weren’t exactly what I was looking for – they were a little dark and a little biker – but amazingly they fit.

Not bad.

They were European boots, therefore inscrutable in size.  They were size 42. What the heck does that mean? It can’t be centimeters because it would translate to more than 16 inches. I’m not a tiny lady, but I’m not Shaquille O’Neal either.

But they fit. They were amazingly comfortable. I bought them.

And here’s me in my new outfit.

Me in skinny jeans and boots. That is not my mess in the back of the closet. And yes, I have a big closet.

Not exactly like my fantasy image, but I can live with it. And of course I would look a lot taller and slimmer if I could have held the camera phone at knee level and shot upwards. But my arms aren’t long enough.

I did, however, get curious about size 42. So I looked it up.  It’s a size 10 – 10 1/2. I wear an EIGHT.

No wonder they zip up and fit so comfortably. No wonder I have so much toe room. They are two sizes too big.

I’m looking at the bright side though. I have a lot of stability with so much surface contact with the pavement. I can’t be toppled easily.

And my ankles look so slim.


  1. They look amazing!!! YOU look amazing!!! Love the look! I have kind of struggled with the whole over 50 look and if I can pull off the skinnier jean look…..I have a couple of outfits I wear that I like but am not sure if I am too old for them. I think If I lost about 15 more pounds I would wear it more confidently. But you rock this look! The boots are fabulous!!


  2. bigsheepcommunications

    Nevermind the boots, I have a crush on your closet!


    • I LOVE my closet… and you are only seeing about half of it! We designed the house ourself and we used to live in a house built in 1840, when women only had a good dress and an everyday dress. So NOW I have a HUGE closet.


  3. Very cute! I’ve bought boots too big before — it easy to do, and not at all a problem, because they’re so comfy! I am now insanely jealous because my one pair of “skinny” jeans looks AWFUL when paired with my one pair of tall leather boots. I don’t know why. (I can, however, wear them with my serious snow boots or my rain boots, so that’s a start!). Enjoy your new look!


  4. You have inspired me! I bought skinny jeans a couple of months ago for my high boots but I haven’t worn them together yet. I love the look. There is nothing about that picture that says 60! Btw, I always size up for boots and I have skinny feet and skinny calves. There is something about that bending around to get into it (yeah, even with a zipper) that makes it easier with a bigger size. More room for fuzzy insoles!


  5. You look mahvelous, dahling! I can’t wear skinny-leg jeans. I actually *do* have size 10-101/2 feet, and the skinny-leg look makes me look as though I’m wearing skis.

    My absolute favourite fashion era was when too-long bell-bottoms were in style. My entire foot could hide under the pant leg. Ah, the good old days. 🙂


    • I feel your pain, as I am 5’6” and wear a size 10 shoe. Let’s bring back the long bell bottoms!


    • Oh dear, Skis! But my ankles do look slimmer with big long feet!


  6. Funny how fashions change, huh? Seems about the time I catch on, that particular fashion has been out of style of oh, say, about 2 years!! So I just stick with jeans and loafers. Yes, that’s right. Jeans and loafers. Oh, and one other thing: have you ever noticed that the pricier brand name clothing size their stuff about 2 sizes smaller? I think it’s to flatter the buyer into spending way more on their brand, because they get to suddenly be 2 sizes smaller!! Huh. Isn’t marketing amazing??


  7. You look great. I wear my boots until I notice everyone else is wearing shorts.


    • And I’m sure you trade your shorts for boots when you notice the snowplows are out…


  8. As always, thanks for the laugh out loud you gave me (laughing lowers the blood pressure, don’t you know!) You look fantastic, by the way.

    Your boot story reminded me of a line from one of my favorite movies, Steel Magnolias. In talking about her shoes, Dolly Parton’s character says, “I usually wear a size 6, but a 7 feels so good, I buy a size 8.”


    • I don’t remember that line, but it is VERY COOL and VERY TRUE!


  9. Before I ever read this, I knew I was going to love it. You did not disappoint. I would have thought size 42 would be size 6. 4+2=6 Good thing I don’t have to think for a living.


  10. you are hot. and i am laughing so hard i am crying. AND i covet your closet. sounds like win/win/win. ;o)


  11. I got boots last month too! And I bought skinny jeans. And I think I look pretty hawt for a nearly 50 year old lawyer-mom in the car pool lane.

    I think I have closet envy.


  12. Wow – you look great. Guess I’ll have to trade in my boot-cut jeans at some point.


  13. Perfect! Because I love them and I AM a size 10, so let me know when you’re through with them, LOL


  14. Kay

    I have a pair of those jeans. I tuck them down inside my cute little ankle boots. Then, a few minutes later, they come untucked. I end up looking like a Cossack. So, I bought a set of jean straps. Remember ankle straps? They work just fine, but are so uncomfortable that I can’t walk. As long as I’m sitting down, I fancy myself as pretty hot.


  15. Strangely this is the time to buy summer wear. I discovered that last year when I was looking for winter clothes for my growing baby only to be inundated with swimsuits in January.


  16. I want your closet, and those boots!


  17. You look great! Must say the closet is awesome…

    I wore size 7-7 1/2 shoes for years and my feet always hurt at the end of the day–then last year I bought size 8 and felt better at days end–this year I am getting 8 1/2’s and will feel so good I will look 10, well maybe 5, years younger. Then I will get skinny jeans and boots…


  18. Those are some rockin’ boots!


  19. Very stylish!


  20. I LOVE comfort. There’s nothing like it. Glad you found those hot boots to go with your hot jeans!


  21. I love the look on you. I thought I was being all cute in leggings and long sweater with the shorter boot version when my son came home and asked what kind of get-up I was wearing with Harry Potter boots. Crushed!


  22. You are stylin’! Now I feel the need to do some boot shopping myself!


  23. Love your closet – it’s bigger than my bedroom! 🙂 And you look great in your biker boots!


  24. Good look.

    And I want to marry your closet.


  25. These are awesome boots. But don’t throw out your bootcut jeans–flares are back.


  26. What’s the difference between bootcut and flare? I just want a pair of jeans that fit.
    I love your outfit! And closet, of course.
    I really like your writing.


  27. I have this issue with boots, too. I haven’t actually tried this, but you can buy something called a bootband that expands the width of boots that are too tight in the calves. Might be worth a shot for the next time.



  1. Skinny, But Not Too Skinny « notquiteold

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