
Nancy Roman

Advice From My Best Friend – Part 2


Theo’s pup tips have made my Twitter very popular indeed.

In fact, he is WAY more popular than I am.

That is because he is so much wiser than I am.

Here is some of his latest advice.

Theo would also like you to know that he may have a book coming out soon. His fans are demanding it.



  1. Deb

    I love Theo. He is so wise and honest, and he makes me laugh out loud!


  2. Diane

    Just love these tips and the pictures!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Bob West

    I love your pup, and his advice. I am enjoying your writing too. Keep it up.


    • Thanks! That dog inspires me!


  4. Where’s the LOVE button? He’s adorable and oh so very wise.


    • Thanks, Dawn. Theo is one wise pupper.


  5. Gorgeous

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Donna W.

    I love Theo. His expressions and advice are priceless! I am a fan looking forward to adding his new book to my library. Thank you, Nancy, for sharing the joy of Theo with us!


    • Thanks Donna. For all your encouragement and love!


  7. He’s just so cute. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I loved Theo’s tips! If I was on twitter, I would definitely follow him. Thanks for sharing this on your blog!


    • Thanks, Ann. If you aren’t on Twitter, you can see my latest postings on the right hand side of this blog,


  9. I don’t have twitter so thanks for sharing. Theo is very wise indeed 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I have twitter but never look at it… I missed Theo…and he is gorgeous as well as wise..thank you for posting these pictures


    • Just check the right-hand side of my blog. You will see my latest postings there.


  11. He’s a very wise and handsome Pup!! 🙂 MJ


    • He’s definitely smarter (and cuter) than me!


  12. All Paths are beautiful, that’s one smart dog. Like Yogi says, when you come to a fork (or bone) in the road, take it. A book! Yes!!!! Toni


    • Thanks…. I think I found a good publisher/printer.


  13. These are great! He is wise beyond his adorableness. I’m wondering how I am missing these. I thought I was following you on twitter but I haven’t seen any of these. I will have to check it out.


    • Oh, if you aren’t following, try again! I post a new tip every day – or I will until I run out!

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Belle Pray

    I love your dog Theo and your way of seeing things ! I have always had dogs and currently am a fur mommy to a golden retriever.. Congrats on a great read !


    • Thanks. My brother in law has 2 golden retreivers. They are sweethearts.

      Liked by 1 person

  15. My life story. I love your puppy!!!!!!!!


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