
Nancy Roman

Defining Joy

Yesterday a friend remarked to me that he wished he had more joy in his life.

I felt bad for him.

My own day was filled with joy.

  1. When I woke up I felt the warmth of my cat who had nestled himself behind the crook of my knee.
  2. I showered with my favorite fragrant soap, with one of those net scrubbies that makes a ton of lather.
  3. I hugged my husband when he was fresh from his shower. He smelled of my soap mixed with shampoo and shaving cream.
  4. My husband made coffee, as he does every morning. We used the mugs decorated with maps of Paris.
  5. The toast came out a perfect light-brown, and I was able to grab it while it was still hot – so my peanut butter melted to a creamy liquid.
  6. When I turned the key in the ignition, the car started.
  7. With a car that starts and runs, I can go anywhere I want to go, but I chose to go to work. I will make some money today.
  8. I said hello to my best friend at work. She looked very nice, and I told her so.
  9. I finished a task that I especially disliked. I crossed it off my list.
  10. I reapplied my lipstick after lunch, and when I went into the ladies’ room, I thought I looked pretty good. I told myself so. Out loud, since there was no one else in there.
  11. I got to go home after making some money. I swung my arms as I walked to my car.
  12. My dog greeted me with his happy dance. We ran around the yard until we were both panting.
  13. I had chicken for supper. With peppers from the garden – a mix of sweet and hot, sauteed with just a bit of olive oil. I bit into one pepper so spicy my mouth stung, and my husband put a spoonful of cottage cheese on my plate to put out the fire.
  14. I took off my shoes.
  15. I watched people sing on TV. Most of them sang very well, and the ones that were not as good were encouraged to keep singing anyway.
  16. While watching TV, I washed the sheets.  I put them back on the bed directly from the dryer, and crawled in while they were still warm.
  17. I kissed my husband goodnight.
  18. The cat settled in and began to purr.

My life is overflowing with joy.

It just depends on how you define joy.



  1. Annette Rochelle Aben



  2. Love this.


  3. What a great attitude you have, Nancy! I need some of that to rub off on me! :–)


    • Thanks. Just look around you – there’s so many nice small events every day.


  4. Joy is in the eye of the beholder. So much easier to find in the small things than the big ones 🙂


    • Especially because the little things happen so much more often than the big things… and they are truly cumulative.


  5. terri

    what a perfect reminder of how good life really is.thank you!


    • There is joy in all those tiny things. And joy in sharing – so thank you too.


  6. Life is good. And you’ve said it SO well.


    • Had to share on FB! It’s been a dreary day here. What a brightener this is.


  7. Valerie Fletcher Adolph

    Loved it!


  8. A piece of cake, a bowl of ice cream, simple pleasures are the best, aren’t they?


    • Absolutely. The person who invented cake did everyone a wonderful service. And ice cream is even better.


  9. I love this post!! We only need to stop and look around us to find our joy – in all the little aspects of our lives.


    • We don’t get big spectacular events every day, but we get lots of tiny sweet enjoyments. And they add up.


  10. My Papabear taught me to be like this…like you. So much like this that sometimes I wonder whether my poetry of joy bores people. But then I remember he loves it, so I don’t care.


  11. Reblogged this on ugiridharaprasad.


  12. This made me joyful just reading this. Thank you!


  13. Ray G

    Not to demean your entry or cast aspersions, but you are way too easy to please! I’m referring to the shoes, car starting, coffee made, chicken for dinner, and such like that.


    • Yes, I am very easy to please. That’s why I’m almost always happy. And about the car – I have lived through the times when I had a car whose next stop was the junkyard, and you never knew whether it would start, or get you to where you are going. So even after all these years, I am appreciative every time my car starts.


  14. Likewise.
    I wake up in the morning to a man I know loves me to bits (he tells me every day)
    The same man I love to pieces, and tell him every day.
    The dog snuggles in for our group hug and the day begins.
    We may do something, we may do nothing, but whatever we do, we do together.
    We have food in our bellies, a roof over our heads, clothes on our backs, shoes on our feet, and are warm and dry.
    We owe no money anywhere.
    Our life and lifestyle may be different, but we are happy. You can’t put a price on that, being happy with your lot, can you.
    Today the sun is shining.
    We are truly blessed.


  15. The perfect way to get through life!


  16. Thanks for this lovely reminder to look more closely at the sweet little things in life that bring us joy.


    • The little things are – in reality – everything.


  17. I think that is one of the best and most moving posts you have ever written.


    • Thank you so much, Simona – you really made my day.


  18. When someone tells me that I am easy to please, I take that as a compliment. I realize that I am extremely lucky to have what I have (I’m not trying to flee some war-torn country with my family), but I think just about everyone can find bits of joy in their life. Thanks for the reminder to appreciate the little things.


    • The little things are the most important, because they happen every day. You seldom get the chance to go to Paris, but you can have toast with peanut butter every morning!


  19. Dana

    Only 3 of those for me; my car starts, I can take off my shoes and watch TV.


    • Some days, that’s all you need.


      • Dana

        I seem to be losing my joy. A delicious egg breakfast, with scrumptious sauce used to bring me so much pleasure, but now, it was only ok. 😦


        • Maybe you are just in a bit of a temporary rut. Try toast and peanut butter tomorrow. Or you can blend your eggs with a banana and make a nice crepe. Tastes great and is good for you too.


  20. Great post! A well needed reminder to look for joy in all the little things in life. Thank you!


    • Often we are so busy we forget to enjoy all the little things that are a part of every day. Today, I phoned my mother, had a second cup of coffee, and stayed away from the news.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. jlouisemac

    Always find joy in the little things!


    • The little stuff is the BEST – and happens every day! You don’t have to wait for a big vacation!


  22. It’s the little things. We just have to notice them.


    • I’ve always tried to notice. For example, I used to have to go into NYC on business all the time. No matter how rushed I was though, I always stopped in the middle of Grand Central Terminal and just took it all in. Beautiful – and there for me to enjoy every time.


  23. Beautiful list! Thanks for this reminder to find joy in the act of living. We are alive, we can work, and eat, and sing. Amazing!


  24. This was beautiful. Yes, the simple pleasures are what make life livable. Of course it helps to be aware enough to see them. You are. Really loved this.


  25. Definitely an Ode to Joy!

    Liked by 1 person

  26. dragon

    Thank you. In the midst of getting the spouse through cancer therapy, I definitely needed this reminder of the small joys of life that are ours regardless of the large problems.


    • Thank you for telling me this. Today of all days, I really needed to know that I made a tiny difference to someone.



  1. Defining Joy | inlovelustandlaughter

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