
Nancy Roman

Take THAT, Sixty-Three!

Ever since I started blogging, I have posted a new photo on my birthday.

In defiance, I suppose.

This year is no exception.

My husband and I went shopping at this enormous (220 stores) premium outlet. I did have to make a tiny concession to my age, in that we visited ten stores out of the 220.  And then I could barely walk back to the car.

My husband had secretly already bought me a present. I had seen a beautiful vintage bracelet of garnets and gold at Christmas time, and so he had gone back to the store the next day and bought it for me. And saved it for my birthday, since he had already spent a fortune. But the outlet shopping excursion was two days before my birthday, and so he didn’t want to tell me yet that he bought the bracelet. Which worked out pretty dandy for me, since he bought me a couple of additional presents.

One was a Coach bag. It’s a gorgeous red leather tote. It’s completely appropriate for my age, but I love it anyway.

And then he wanted to buy me skinny jeans, because he likes my ass. So how could I refuse?

So we went to Armani. I picked a nice warm brown with zippers at the ankles, but they didn’t quite fit. (My husband would argue with that.) So we had no choice but to get the python print.

Yes. Snakeskin Skinnies.

At sixty-three.

But sixty-three isn’t old anymore. Even seventy-three isn’t old.

The Beatles reminded me of that on Sunday. I mean, look at Ringo.


You can’t get much cooler than this. I actually think he is better looking than when he was kid.

And so am I.

Take THAT, sixty-three!

python pants


  1. I’m going to point out the ovbious and type, ‘ you have lost weight!!!’. and ‘ you look great!’. Happy Birthday:)


    • wow. and by ovbious I clearly mean obvious.


      • Thanks. Last year I lost thirty pounds. I feel great – and I LOVE shopping for new clothes.


  2. Love this! You do look great and you SHOULD be wearing skinny jeans 🙂 Happy Birthday, foxy!


  3. you’re making 63 look like a party and a piece of cake. I HOPE I look that good at 63. hell I hope I look that good next year. ;o) happy birthday and here’s hoping this year is grand!


    • I feel great! Better than 20 years ago, so I have no problem with being 63. I just don’t want to look it!


  4. Nice ass. 🙂 Seriously, this is great, Nancy. I love the overwhelming joy in it. And that’s very cool that your husband went back and got that bracelet. I really think there should be a picture of that too.


    • Thanks. I was bragging enough in this post… the photo of the beautiful bracelet too?


  5. Now if I could only get my husband to take some tips from Ringo…have to agree, he’s hotter than he ever was.


    • The sexiest thing about him is the great smile. Joy is sexy!


      • You’re right. So is a sense of humor. Which makes us very sexy, for sure!


  6. happy birthday and remember that age is just a number


    • You’re right – age is just a number. In my case, a BIG number.


      • I am working to earn a doctorate. I feel I am at least 500 yrs old. Lolz.


  7. Congratulations!

    I have nominated your blog for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award.

    More about this nomination is at


  8. You do look fabulous. Happy new number. No-one would ever guess. And you are spoiled but you’re worth it. 🙂


    • I am very spoiled. Especially by me. I treat myself exquisitely.


  9. 63 looks good on you!!! Your attitude is even better!!!


    • Nothing makes you as beautiful as JOY. I love Life right now.


  10. Happy Birthday! You make 63 look fabulous!


  11. You’re looking great at 63. I’ve dropped 2 sizes and bought myself 2 pairs of jeans last year for the first time in 12 years (I’m 58). Hubby says I look great in jeans. And you’re right about Ringo. SEXY!


    • The way I figure it – I have the rest of my life to look old. I only have a very short time left to look young. So I better make the most of it. I’m glad you’re rockin’ your jeans!


  12. You’re rockin’ 63!! Happy Birthday!!


    • Thank you. I figure if Ringo can look that good at 73 – I have at least another decade of sexiness left.


  13. I will be 61 this year–and I am with you–no one is going to stop me from wearing jeans –ever–I will be 85 and wearing skinny jeans–love your style


  14. Isn’t it nice to be spoiled??? Sweet of your hubby to go back and buy that bracelet for you. You’re looking great, my friend!


    • He said it almost killed him to hang onto it for two months. He nearly gave it to me a dozen times. I’m glad he waited!


  15. thefierywell

    Now THAT’s a birthday! Feeling great and looking great – nothing better! Happy Birthday!


    • Thanks. I feel terrific. I give a lot of the credit to Zumba!


  16. Laurie

    You look great in those jeans! And yes, Ringo is far better looking now than he was in his youth.


    • A LOT of people agree on Ringo. I even have a male friend who admits that Ringo is the coolest old guy he’s ever seen.


  17. You go, girl! And I agree with you about Ringo; I was thinking the same thing as I watched him on TV Sunday night. Happy Birthday!


    • Yes, sexiness is all in the attitude. And Ringo has it!


  18. If you think you’re too old for skinny jeans–look up the designer Betsey Johnson. She’s in her 60’s and rocking all kinds of foolishness. And as long as you have the booty for them, keep doing it! Happy Birthday!


    • I don’t want to look quite as kooky as Betsey Johnson, but I do admire her lack of giving a damn.


  19. You look fantastic!


  20. You look awesome! That’s what I love…you’re never too old to look good, no matter what size, no matter your finances. You keep goin’, girl…I will too!


    • My 90 year old mother asked me to buy her a particular perfume the next time I go to Sephora. She still cares. I will never give up.


  21. I got stuck at the part where you said your husband went to a mall with 220 stores. How did you make that happen? The only way I can get my husband to a big mall is if he needs something he can’t get at the small mall (with 20 stores) and then it’s in and out. Can you do an instructional video? BTW you look fabulous but those didn’t look like python print to me!


    • The python pattern is subtle – I’m not completely crazy, just a little crazy. And my husband is the one that wanted to go find that big outlet.


  22. Right on! Happy birthday – you look maaaahvelous! 🙂


  23. Jon

    I agree with your husband about the skinny jeans 🙂
    Thanks for the Ringo pic. It gives me something to aspire to.


    • Yeah, men don’t have much problem with too tight jeans. May you be as cool as Ringo at 73.


  24. Happy birthday! Way to rock the skinnies!


  25. Happy happy! You are defining age – not the other way around – great job!


  26. Did you see Ringo rocking it on stage on Sunday night with Paul McCartney? For an old guy, he can really move it and shake it. I want to ‘grow old’ like Cher and/or Tina Turner. Those women defy the aging process. Hope your wore your new jeans (and your new bracelet) all day on your birthday!


    • Ringo was great on Sunday. And I saw Tina Turner perform years ago. She was still relatively young – 45 or so – and what a performance. I have never seen a woman so confident in her sexuality. We can only aspire to that level of confidence.


  27. YOU LOOK SO GOOD! I am envious! Rock on! 🙂


  28. You look fab in your jeans. Happy Birthday x


  29. You’re as old as you feel! I hate those style articles dictating that past the age of 40 mini skirts, bikinis and long hair should be avoided. Sod that! If you feel great in them you’ll look great. My mum still rocks a bikini at 66 – long may it continue!


  30. You absolutely do justice to skinny jeans! You look fabulous at 63, hell you would look fabulous at 53!

    Ringo? He looks far better today than he did way back, I think it is joy.


  31. I agree. BOTH you and Ringo look great!


  32. You’re looking good and gotta a badoonka bigger than mine.


  33. You look fabulous! I was also commenting on Ringo’s appearance. I think he has held up much better than Paul. Not that Paul looked bad but Ringo just seemed to vibrate health and happiness.


    • I completely agree! Ringo looks better than ever!


  34. I’m 63, almost 64. And I wear skinny jeans too. You’re only as old as you act. Happy Birthday!


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