
Nancy Roman


first communion rev

I just came across this photo that my cousin Susan (the little one in the front – and I won’t divulge how old she is now) posted last year on Facebook.

When Sue posted this picture, I showed my husband.

“Look how cute!” I said to Hubby.  “This was taken on the day I made my First Communion.”

“Which one are you?” he asked.


  1. Gotta love ’em.


  2. Chris

    Now THOSE are Mamie Eisenhower bangs.


  3. Doesn’t bother me it you tell everyone how old I am now – since you’ll always be older than me anyway…….try 58 in November


    • You’ll always be that little blond toddler to me!


  4. Not a Catholic boy? Did my mother cut your bangs?


    • YES a Catholic boy! Just really dense.
      And YES, my mother cut my bangs! How ever did you guess?


      • Definitely dense! My mother cut my bangs just like yours…


  5. I remember pictures like that…I think I have one packed away in a box downstairs somewhere. And I can almost see your husband’s point of view…I had to read your post twice before I figured it out myself..


  6. LOL! How cute you are/were! And your cousin too. 🙂


    • She was a little doll. I look like Anne Frank.


  7. Those bangs, white socks and white gloves (the pain of keeping those clean).
    I always envied the Catholic girls who got to wear pretty dresses.
    Great picture


    • It was a very expensive proposition though,to buy those white dresses. Most of the mothers (including mine) dyed the dress later – pink usually – so we could wear it again.


  8. I remember that day well. We all looked alike. I was entranced with the white gloves and head veil.
    A bride at seven. Yikes.


    • I loved that I looked like a bride. I didn’t get married until I was 40, and the sales person at the bridal shop asked me if I wanted to wear a veil. “YES!”


  9. Ah, yes, my mom cut my bangs too (well, she tried to, bless her heart).
    And you did look like a little bride!


  10. I had bangs like that, a short coat like that, my first communion veil looked like that (I loved it, used to sneak it out of it’s safe keeping place to play bride with it)… love this picture and the post! DAF


    • Wasn’t it wonderful to wear something so frilly and get to wear a VEIL? And weren’t those bangs HIDEOUS????


      • I confess, my daughters each had at least one time of hideous bangs like that, before I quickly decided it was better to pay for a bang trim… I Loved my first communion, and I loved those jackets too. Mine were always white and we would get these beautiful flowered headbands that counted as something covering your head for Mass.


  11. thanks. I needed that large laugh.


    • It’s strangely wonderful how clueless men are….


  12. Look how utterly cute you are. There is a restuarant in San Antonio where all the Hispanic families go in the spring for their parties, all the little girls and boys in their finery play in the courtyard. I use to go there on the weekends just to see them, they are so lovely.


    • Except of course for the veil, we got that dressed up EVERY Sunday. My sisters are evening wearing corsages! It’s nice to know some folks are still doing that. (I went to a wake this summer and the adult son of the deceased was wearing shorts.)


  13. The male of the species … LOL. Totally lovely pic. Somewhere in all the moving we did, I missed all my friends first communions. Probably just as well, I’d have badgered my mom to take me and we weren’t Catholic … I guess I was lucky, my bangs were self inflicted at a much later age.


    • Two weeks ago, I got bad bangs from my own hairdresser. My bangs will haunt me my whole life I think. And in the afterlife too… since I don’t really expect the funeral parlor to do BETTER than the hairdresser….


  14. Diane

    He’s pulling your leg!! It is obvious.


  15. I remember Sundays and dressing up; not only for Communions and Confirmations. Nice to see a picture from the good old days. As well, you look lovely in your Communion dress. 😉
    Shorter bangs? What were they then called? A fringe? I used to know someone who had bangs like that but my lips are sealed.


  16. That brings back memories of my own FC. I think we spent months looking for the perfect dress. I need to see if I can find a pic – but I’m sure it won’t be as cute as yours!


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