
Nancy Roman

A Christmas Mom-ism

This is my Mom and I yesterday at our family’s Eve of Christmas Eve party.

My niece Naomi took the photo.  She’s five years old.  I think Mom and I look so happy because we are looking at her.

However, I hold Naomi completely accountable for the state of my hair.  As far as I’m concerned, being in kindergarten is no excuse for not saying, “Aunt Nancy, fix your hair. You look really stupid.”  Get with it, Naomi.

My Mom’s sweater is new.  She ordered it from a catalog for something like 95% off.  I think when she first ordered it, it may have been 60%. But her savings story has increased exponentially in the past few weeks.  I figure by New Year’s Day, J.C. Penney will have paid her to take the sweater.

She’s wearing her new sweater for the first time, although she has shown it to me once or twice in the past few weeks.  (or maybe four times)

Last night at the party, I told her that the sweater was very flattering.  A beautiful color and fit.

“And slimming,” I added.

“Oh,” Mom said, sounding a little disappointed. “I thought you were going to say ‘sexy’.”

“Mom,” I said, “at eighty-eight, if ‘sexy’ is the look you’re going for, you might not quite get there.”

She answered: “But the camisole is so low-cut.”


  1. so love this!


  2. May we all be 80..with her attitude and zest!! What a wonderful photo of you two together. And – best wishes for a merry Christmas!!!


  3. Suzanne Tate

    Absolutely love this! My mom is 94, looks fantastic, is independent and still has all her marbles. She is so particular about her clothes and I’ve noticed lately that a few tops she bought have been a bit low cut. When I asked her why, she said, “My girls are not hanging to the floor yet. Might as well show a little cleavage. When I’m in the box, I’ll be showing nothing.”
    So there you are…….


  4. Sounds like my mother. She was in her seventies and always concerned about fixing her hair and making sure her clothes were stylish. At the time, I would shake my head. Now I hope I am like her at that age.


  5. Talk to me...I'm your Mother

    There actually needs to be a “love” button. Reminds me of my Mom at about the same age. She said she went by the mirror and thought, “Who is that old woman?”


  6. Awesome!!! Great photo and great story!!! Enjoy the time with your mom!!!


  7. bigsheepcommunications

    Tell your mom she’s totally hot and purple is definitely her color. Merry Christmas!


  8. I love your mother’s spirit! At 58 years old, I’m having a difficult time convincing myself that I still have some “sexy” in me. Your mother’s confidence shows and indeed, she looks awesome AND sexy!!! Thanks for your addition. from Irene/boomer98053 from the blog


  9. I’m only 58 years old and most of the time I find it difficult to find the sexy within me. Congratulations to your mom and her confidence that shows!!!
    Thanks so much for your blog entries. Very enjoyable. from boomer98053 of


  10. Your mom looks happy and happy people are sexy whatever their age. So both of you are sexy…


  11. Wonderful! Thanks and Merry Christmas!


  12. pharphelonus

    your mom rocks, and her daughter does too. blessings to your family Nancy


  13. Merry Christmas Nancy and Mom. Your mom is obviously a good shopper…


  14. Your Mom looks sexy. Love the humor in this post. I often think our expressions in photos is directly related to the photographer!
    Merry Christmas!


  15. Oh, Nancy! Reading this post I burst into tears – of laughter and sweet remembrance, and a little sadness too. I so miss my Mom. This is the 11th Christmas since she died (of Alzheimer’s). The way your Mom looks and her sassy personality sound so much like my own Mom that I have a huge grin on my face just looking at the photo of you two! I am so happy for you that you still have the joy of having your mother with you! I refuse to be jealous.or envious. If you will just scootch over a bit in that photograph and make room for my Mom and me. . .

    Merry Christmas.


  16. RVingGirl

    Girl, you look terrific. After all, that wee bit of mussed up hair look is all in vogue now….:)
    Your Mom is just lovely and as sexy as any one!
    You are so blessed to still have her. Mine died 16 years ago next month.
    LOVE and Blessings to you and your darling family.


  17. I think Naomi is destined to be a professional photographer. I love this post, the picture, and your mom!


  18. You look great. Your mom is stunning. What’s not to like? FabUlous!


  19. What beautiful smiles! And I think your mom looks great!


  20. A wonderful example of how we would all like to be at her age — witty and sexy too! God bless her. 🙂


  21. Age is no excuse for getting dowdy. You’re mom’s “with it”.


  22. I love your mom and I don’t even know her!


  23. You’re mom is hot!!


    • Just realized I mispelled “your”. Too much Christmas candy. Sugar has addled my brain.


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