
Nancy Roman

Tag Archives: Al Pacino

The Hollywood of Stuff

I’ve never been one of those people who sleep till noon. Well, okay, yes I was. I was the typical teenager who slept the morning away on the weekend. But not till noon. Maybe 11:51. But as an adult anyhow, I’ve always been up each morning at a reasonable hour. Even on weekends. And if …

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I used to swoon for the Academy Awards. I made it a point to see every film nominated, and I prided myself on being able to predict the winners in every category. I went to the movies almost every Saturday when I was a kid. My mother sometimes had to search the sofa cushions for …

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I Could Do That!

I received an interesting email yesterday. I believe it came from the same gentleman who needs me to help him get four million dollars out of Nigeria. Currently, he wants to employ my services to sue a client for breach of contract. I say, “Hell, yeah!” I want to do that. I want to sue someone. …

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