
Nancy Roman

Dear Mom

Back in December, I wrote a post to my mother, apologizing for all the aggravation I caused her. I finally understood how aggravating I actually was, now that I had a dog who was demonstrating to me every possible aggravation a mother can feel.

I never showed that post to Mom, however. Sometimes she’s a little embarrassed that so many people know her through my blogging. I tell her not to worry:  I’m not exactly famous, so neither, unfortunately, is she. But she deserves to be in the Mother’s Hall of Fame in about a zillion categories: wisdom, integrity, cheerfulness, patience – to name a couple.

This year, for Mother’s Day, I have turned that blog into a little book.

I had it printed up, and I am delighted with the results.


So this time, I will show it to her.

Here it is:




Happy Mother’s Day to all the aggravated Mothers everywhere in the world!


(PS – I would love to know if you think there might be a market for this little book. I am considering offering it for sale on this website.)



  1. That is so adorable!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Most deThefinitely. The lightbulb wold go on for so many kids as to the treasure of a “mom”. May I share this with my granddaughter as she has aspirations of being a writer, and if I do say so myself, she’s pretty good.


    • Of course you can share! I am hoping to find a cost-effective print source so that I can offer this little book at a good price.


      • Let me know if you publish it. This would be a great Birthday Gift for our Nursery School kids at church.


  3. I think this is lovely…and very marketable!


    • Cathy

      I love this! I would be happy to buy – it’s so cute. Theo is a natural.


  4. Chris

    Absolutely Nanc!


  5. Donna Walsh

    Nancy, you need to publish this. If you offer it for sale in another way, please let me know how I can buy a copy. I think anyone and everyone who have/had a loving relationship with their mother can relate to this. And the Theo illustrations are the cherry on top of the Sundae. I can see it in a bookstore. Really outstanding and heartwarming work.


    • Thanks… I’m looking for the best way to get it done!


  6. Deb

    Nancy this is wonderful! Your words, combined with those adorable pictures of Theo hit the nail squarely on the head. I would love to get a copy and have my granddaughters present it to their mom on a future Mother’s Day. Please do publish!


  7. This is wonderful! You should absolutely publish it. I wish I had done something as clever and heartfelt as that for my mother when she was alive (she belongs in the Mother’s Hall of Fame too).


    • I am SO fortunate that I can still see her and be with her.


  8. Nicely done.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. thelupiemomma

    That book is so adorable!!! I would by it if I saw it in stores

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Relax...

    LOVED it!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Yes! It’s such a sweet little book and I can see it being a great gift for mothers everywhere.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. It’s wonderful. I’m sure it would sell.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Jean R.

    Reading this book was a great way to start my morning! It’s so cute and right on target of what a mother does for her kids and how we don’t really appreciate her until we are doing the same sorts of things. I would absolutely buy this book and give it to my mom if she were still alive. She used to call my dog her grand-dog. Have you priced it out at Blurb? They’re trade size books with soft covers are pretty reasonable but I think Amazon’s publishing will give you better marketing tools.


    • I’m in conversation with a publisher. Hoping we can do it.


  14. Elizabeth Bullard

    I love, love, love, love it! I’d buy it if I saw it! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. lydiaschoch

    Aww, I love this story. You totally should publish it.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. This is the kind of book I find (and buy) at Barnes and Nobles right by the cash registers. I think it’s great and would be a great mom gift.


    • I am hoping to get it printed. I think it might be a draw at the book signings I do for my novels.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. I loved this! And before I even got the end of your post, I was thinking that this would make a terrific book. I think you should publish it and sell it. I’d sure buy it!


  18. Best present ever! Your dog is adorable! And yes, I am sure there is a market for this! — I would buy it!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. mercyn620

    Very cute and go for it!

    Liked by 1 person

  20. That is wonderful, I think all of us could say this to a mother in our life.

    Liked by 1 person

  21. This is excellent!!! I love it. I hope your Mom did, too. I think if you had it all ready to go for Mother’s Day 2019 you could make a fortune on this book. You would sell out long before the day.


  22. How terribly clever of you to make such a cute and appropriate book. I laughed so much so thank you! I feel I’ve spent my entire life always apologizing and decided I was done last year. Needless to say we no longer communicate. This was the perfect post for me to find! T/y


  23. Dawn Allison

    Dear Theo’s Mom. I hope you do get this published. I would love to get two copies. One is for a friend. Shipping costs to Pennsylvania will absolutely be worth it.


  24. Great idea! One thought – it might be less expensive to produce on a white background, and more consistent because black in large quantities can have variations… ask your publisher 🙂


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