
Nancy Roman


Since April is National Poetry Month, I’ve written this blog in free verse. But don’t worry, it’s still weird, silly me in there.




I’ve never lost my love
of personality tests.
Multiple choice in twenty questions
to indicate my Compassion (A minus)
or my Loyalty (D plus)
or my ability or lack thereof
to keep a juicy secret (forever an F).
Back to September ’66
Seventeen Magazine –
They had the best quizzes ever.
I’d tear a sheet from my notebook
and mark my A B C or all of the above
and I’d discover if
my boyfriend was faithful
which would be helpful once I had one
or whether I had what it takes
to join the Peace Corps
or wear Tabu.
I’d toss my answers in the neighbor’s trash.
God forbid my sister should see
that I was a romantic kisser
or that I was reading Seventeen
when I was fifteen
and it was her Seventeen,
which she was.
And now to my delight
I can take my tests every day online.
And learn that my nickname should be
and my aura is Blue
and that though Agnostic
my spirit guide is the Goat.
And just today I confirmed a past life
with a fine famous lover.
None other than manly
Clark Gable.
Of course that means that I was
Carole Lombard.
Which all makes sense
because I wrote a story once
where the heroine was Carole with an E.
And though I used to think I had been
Edna St. Vincent Millay
(who was also in a story)
I don’t believe she ever slept with
Dear Mr. Gable.
But to be sure, I took the test again
with my second-best answers.
And Gable again.

So there you have it.


carole lombard


  1. Jennifer

    I adore how the makeup is still relevant today! Great post!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on NANMYKEL.COM and commented:
    A real winner! Congratulations!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Love it!


  4. Thanks for the morning cheers… such great reminders


  5. Oh I miss the days of kicking up my feet and diving into my seventeen magazine quiz! This is a fun poem! It must have been fun to write as well!


    • It was fun! To jog my memory I googled old magazine covers from the sixties as well as old magazine ads (Tabu, Wind Song, etc.) What memories!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Love it! Though I’ve stopped taking quizzes online. I got confused. But I was an avid quiz taker when I was a teen, and believed them all.


  7. iamsallyrose

    Maybe everyone gets Clark Gable? I once took one of those quizzes and my aura was purple. I thought it was great until everyone I knew reported having a purple aura. The game might be rigged. Fun post!


    • Pure random I’m sure… but fun anyway. I probably take at least one quiz a day.


  8. Pam

    Great poem! I used to read Seventeen Magazine!! I used to admire the featured models. Can’t remember all their names, but one of them (Patty?) married Rod Stewart. Oh, the memories of being young!


    • Thanks… I especially remember Colleen Corby (the 60s) and Twiggy and then later Andie MacDowell


  9. Pam

    Or it might have been Glamour magazine?


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