
Nancy Roman

Buy Me Flowers

I’m currently working on a very special (and adult-oriented) blog, but Easter weekend needs something more wholesome, so here is a reprise of my Easter post from two years ago.


Lest you think that my fashion-plateness (platedom, platability?) is a recent avocation, let me present to you little Nancy  – Easter Sunday, 1958:

easter 1958

Not only do I have a stylish pink dress with matching coat, I have a new Easter bonnet, white gloves, patent leather shoes with matching purse, and a corsage. (And Daddy’s face.)

My hair is naturally fine and poker-straight. I’m sure my mother must have set it in rows of pin-curls, with beer for setting lotion. And she obviously had enough bobby-pins left over for her own Mamie Eisenhower do.

How I loved that coat. We called it a “topper” back then. it was a plush material – sort of like the foam rubber inside your sofa cushions. Both my sisters wore it before I did. I thought the single big pearl button was an elegant touch.

That little black purse held my prayer-book, which was especially prayerful because it had a red ribbon to mark the page. I also carried a handkerchief with lace edges – imagine blowing your nose with lace! – and a dime for the collection plate. I was already counting the days until I could have a lipstick in there.

I particularly call your attention to the corsage. You may think seven is a little young for a corsage. In my family, my mother got a big corsage for Easter, and all three of us little girls found a tiny corsage right near our Easter basket on Sunday morning. I don’t think I have any baby pictures of me in a corsage, but I probably had one, held on with a diaper pin.

I don’t know where my mother bought these little children’s corsages. I wonder now if they were expensive. We didn’t have a lot of excess cash lying around when I was a kid. But I guess Easter corsages were a necessity.

The tradition certainly carried on.

This is about nine years later.


I am on the left – which is really about the center of the photo. My mother is a genius is a thousand ways, but centering a photograph is not one of them.

We were still wearing hats to church in 1967 – but probably for the last time.  White hats were apparently the IN thing that year, especially those hats that made it look like you had really big hair. My sisters are also still wearing gloves, but at sixteen I was quite the rebel. (but they were in my purse). And yes, that is a mock turtleneck under my double-breasted suit. I was supposed to have Jesus in my heart, but my heart really belonged to Carnaby Street.

And do you see?  We still have corsages to wear to church. Our Easter baskets had been replaced by a box of chocolates (except for my little brother – he was still receiving a basket). And on top of each chocolate box was a corsage. Sometimes I liked my sister’s better than mine, and if I got up really early in the morning, I could check them out and make a switch.

And through the years, my fashion-platidutiness drew me further away from white gloves. Then the hat went – which was a good thing, since I have the head the size of a cantaloupe. Where most of my girlfriends had boobs like ripe melons, a cantaloupe-sized head is unfortunate.

Eventually I also abandoned suits, but not before my shoulder pads were much bigger than my head.  And of course, the pantyhose – although truthfully I still like the imperfection-smoothing look of nice sheer pantyhose. (Thank you, Princess Kate.)

I told my husband that I didn’t want chocolate for Easter this year. (But I’d secretly be happy if he bought me just a few dark chocolate truffles.)  I told him to buy me flowers.

I am hoping he knows that I want a bouquet for the table and not a corsage.

Because today, if I saw a corsage, I would certainly think:

  • Are there any bugs in there?
  • Do I have to put a pinhole in my expensive blouse?
  • Will this leave a stain?
  • Where is my allergy medication?

So much for sweet memories.

Do carnations go with skinny jeans and ankle boots?

Do carnations go with skinny jeans and ankle boots?


  1. Christine

    Somehow I think it was Dad who bought the corsages. I know at Christmas he often would get us one gift without help from Mom


    • Dad bought presents????? When was that???? I remember him giving me money on Christmas Eve afternoon to buy something for Mom.


  2. fiercevillain

    I adore your blog and just followed
    If you have time, please check out my fashion blog


  3. What a lovely memory! I used to love my patent leather shoes, hearing them tap, tap, tap on the pavement! Wishing you & those you love a very Happy Easter!


  4. Your memories bring back my memories. Buying that new Easter dress. And hat. Can’t forget the hat. Sometimes I miss those days. The dress-up ones. The pretend-we-have-money-iike-everyone-else-does days. I sometimes miss those days. Except I’m like you — I don’t know how a corsage would look with sweatpants and a T.


  5. April

    Lovely memories and photos! Thanks for sharing them with us!


  6. We didn’t do corsages but everything else, times six, one of which was my mom. Even after I left home I made sure I had a new outfit for Easter and yes, by then the gloves and hats were gone. Great memories, Nancy. Thanks.


  7. Love the pics! I remember my sister and I would get a new pair of white sandals for Easter. One year I couldn’t wait till Easter to wear then and wore then the day before at a church wide egg hunt. Those sandals rubbed my feet in all the wrong places and I ended up with bloody blisters (and stained sandals). But still kind of a fond memory. 🙂


  8. Swap Pessach (Passover) for Easter and synagogue for church, and you would have me at that age, right down to the white gloves and patent leather shoes. I don’t think we wore corsages however, but a few weeks later, for Shavuot (Pentecost), the synagogue would be decorated with flowers.


  9. Bonnie

    I only had a corsage once in my life – when I went to the senior prom. At that time, the in-thing was to have a wrist corsage, but my trend-challenged date got me a traditional chest corsage. I felt like someone’s grandmother the whole night.


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