
Nancy Roman

So Dumb, I Had To Share

Not my usual post, but SO worth sharing.

And I know he is absolutely correct.

I just had peanuts for lunch, and I can feel them right now gathering in my vagina.



gyno cameraThe Daily Buzz




  1. I should not be surprised by this ignorance anymore, and yet I am. Holy crap.


    • And someone elected him.


      • And people like this without even a rudimentary understanding of female anatomy get to influence laws about female bodies. That’s angrifying.


  2. I pretty much never laugh out loud while reading, but I totally did as I read this. I saw the headline yesterday, but your commentary is perfect!!!


    • There’s lots of gross comments I could make – but I’m just not that kind of girl.

      Liked by 1 person

      • No, your comment was perfect. Can’t improve on that!


  3. Gasp. *shakes head*


  4. O.M.G. He must have slept through health class in school. I can’t stop laughing.


    • That’s why oral sex can make you pregnant. The little buggers can just swim downstream.


  5. I’m speechless – which is what he should be.


  6. Annette Rochelle Aben

    The story of the cabbage patch rears its leafy head…


  7. mo

    I have no words…..he should too.


  8. this made me angry ….


    • At dumb politicians I hope – not at me.


  9. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. This type of ignorance is not funny.


    • I am laughing but I am also very afraid.


      • This isn’t the first time I’ve heard stupid questions regarding women’s health. Ugh.


  10. This is the most hysterical thing I’ve seen all week. Pun intended. Thank you SO much for sharing!


  11. Reblogged this on inlovelustandlaughter and commented:
    Don’t care if it isn’t poetry. Don’t care if I didn’t write it…her commentary s priceless!


  12. Dana

    This guy is such a (n oral) douche.


  13. And men want to legislate rules for our bodies! Don’t let me get started!


    • Oh but we women can’t make decisions without cameras in our vaginas.


      • Not all men are evil perverts. Some of us are just charming perverts.


  14. Maybe if he swallowed a camera we could see what a dick he is.

    Liked by 1 person

    • OH PERFECT!!!!!


      • Oh snap! I thought my last comment was witty, but I am clearly outmatched. +1 to both of you.


  15. I’ve always wondered about edible condoms but now I understand.


    • Yes sirree. Condoms work best if you eat them a few hours before sex.

      Liked by 1 person

      • so that’s why we have fifteen kids!


  16. And this is why men should never have any vote/say/or writing of legislation/regulations/healthcare concerning women.
    Just speechless …ignorance, drunk/stoned, under the influence of lobbyists, or early mental deterioration of aging – his voters should be asking


    • He’ll probably be re-elected.


    • Aww, why not? Hi there, I’m an online friend of Robin King’s… recognize your nick from her lovely online meanderings.

      I was outnumbered by women in my family of origin (all sisters, no brothers)– my wife came from a family of mostly boys. Somehow that gave us both room to understand each other better when we got together, and neither of us is ignorant of each other’s plumbing.


      • I know that there are many intelligent men out there like you who are aware of the distinction between digestive and reproductive systems… but you guys never seem to get elected.


        • *shrug* We don’t have enough money and power… and even if we did, I think we’d be just as corrupted.


      • Oh, happy waves to Robin when you run into her! Great blogger.
        You are right about those who grow up among brothers and sister normally have it easier understanding life with the other sex. Family Birth order – whether brother/sister is older or younger also makes an impact.
        This guy, here. There’s an old phrase he might consider “better to keep mouth closed than to open it and remove all doubt.” (Maybe he was sleep deprived? I keep searching for some reasonable explanation. Actually what he was talking about – tiny cameras inside the body is one direction medicine is going …but he should have stopped and put brain in gear before speaking?


        • My wife and I are eldest children, if that tells you something. Closed mouths gather no flies too, of course. And tiny cameras… well, others summarized that better.

          Liked by 1 person

  17. Deb

    There’s really no need for a comment as everything has already been well said but…holy crap I am both astounded, and not, at the exact same time


    • I want to see this guy draw a picture of the digestive-reproductive system.


      • Deb

        I wonder if he is as lacking in knowledge about how his own anatomy functions, and also if he is married, and also what his wife’s response may have been to being married to such a moron…


  18. Ray G

    I may be wrong, but I never saw so many comments so soon to one of your writings. Could be a record?
    Now, must that guy be forced to go back to school to actually learn something? Or don’t they have learning in Idaho? I would LOVE to hear his excuse for saying something so stupid.


    • Yes. I should just be short and sarcastic more often.


  19. Then shouldn’t becoming transgender be relatively simple?


    • You mean if I eat a penis it will come out my vagina and I will be a man? Hmmm. Let me think about this. No. I thought about it. I’ll pass.


      • No I thought you’d grow a pair of nuts.

        I may never eat another peanut.


        • People already tell me I have big balls. It must be my diet.


  20. Idiot. :/


    • I thought there was a limit to dumbness. But I was wrong.


  21. Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,ha,!!! Thanks for the laugh. I almost peed my pants but I thought it may have been caught on camera so I held it in. LOL.


    • See my earlier reply, Maria– “Not all men are evil perverts. Some men are just charming perverts.”


      • That’s right, Jak! Very funny. Glad you grew up with some common sense and intelligence. 🙂


        • Mom did some things right– I have to acknowledge that, even considering the ways she messed me up.


  22. OMG someone was asleep during intro to anatomy.


    • And he didn’t take the “Think Before You Speak” course either.

      Liked by 1 person

  23. Is this real? 😐


  24. No offence to Idaho but this guy is a real potato head.


  25. Wow! Well, you do know…babies come from a woman’s tummy. I think he might be on to something! 🙂


  26. This made me laugh/snort tea up my nose, when really it’s just…sad.


  27. I love this! Reminds me of the people who say they watched Martin Luther King’s latest speech a month ago!


  28. Unfortunately, politics doesn’t attract the best and brightest, just the most ignorant and power-hungry.


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