
Nancy Roman

Stop The Presses!!!!!

I’ve done several posts celebrating really good days.

Today is another one!

My local newspaper gave me a half-page interview (with photo that is not so hot, but I am overlooking that) on my new book. They interviewed me


I am an author. And a good one. Me. Really!

Here’s the link, if you want to see what local newspaper coverage is like (admittedly, on a slow news day… Page One was “Car Show Draws Hundreds For Fundraiser”).

My Mom was thrilled.

So I was having a pretty good day.


Last week I wrote a little note to Marlo Thomas. Several years ago, she included an essay that I wrote in her collection, “The Right Words At The Right Time, Volume II.” So I wrote and told her that I had written a novel, and truly felt like I was reinventing myself,  which is the topic of her latest collection, “It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over.”

And today, she posted this on her Facebook site (sorry it’s a bit blurry – I may be a ‘real’ author not, but I am not a ‘real’ techie):


And she has a link to my Author page on Facebook AND my Amazon page for the book! And although it says “7 people like this” – as of 10:29 tonight, I hit 103 likes (which is more than the Page One car show drew).

I am naturally thrilled (and a bit Starstruck – I love Marlo!  Since 1966, when I wanted to be just like her on “That Girl,” and forty years later, when she liked my little essay, and oh, my, especially now!)

Can I challenge you to go to Marlo Thomas’ Facebook page,  and like that post, so I get lots more than 103 likes?

I’ve always wanted to be well-liked.

me and book

Photo, Ryan Flynn, Torrington Register-Citizen


  1. I love Marlo too. So of course I am going to her page! Congratulations, and that photo is pretty good…..really!


    • Thanks… Marlo was such a sweet innocent soul on her TV show in the 1960’s – but she was also ON HER OWN in that show… that was really a first for television women. And her inspiring books now are quite wonderful – the book that included my essay – all the profits went to St. Jude Research Hospital.


  2. I am so impressed! Congrats, I read the article and liked the post.


    • Thanks! It thought they were very good too – the reporter couldn’t really take as many shots as I take selfies – so I will forgive him for the picture. At least I look happy.


  3. I always loved Marlo Thomas….and wow! Congrats on having her write about you on her FB page–next thing you know you’ll be on a famous person’s Twitter feed and then you’ll be a famous twit! LO? Now I’m going to go to her FB page and like her post…then I’m going to Amazon to order your book! Congrats, Nancy…well deserved.


    • I need to be a famous twit! Right now I have 8 followers on Twitter – EIGHT. But you have to start somewhere…


  4. Sweet! Good for you – and a wonderful article 🙂 We can say we knew you “when … ” MJ


  5. I don’t think it is possible to like you any more than we already do…but I am on my way over now. 😉


  6. Tim

    I am so happy for you!


  7. Laurie



  8. You’re such an inspiration! Congratulations.


    • I don’t think I’ve ever been an inspiration! (More like a cautionary tale). So wow! Thanks!


  9. Nancy, done and done! Congratulations! You deserve it.


  10. Okay, girlie–had to tell you that I just bought your book a few minutes ago from and I’m sitting here at Chapters in the Starbucks cafe area where I read the first two chapters of it. I’m hooked! I knew I would absolutely love your style, and I do… anxious to read more and by the way, I will be writing and posting a review for you on–I don’t think there is one there yet so I will mark the path for others to follow. Glad I popped in to visit you this morning!


    • Oh, I do hope you like it! And I’d love a kind review on… my CA friends are very important to me. I am Canadian-French on my father’s side, after all…..


  11. Congrats on both items! I’m off to check the link to the newspaper article and then to Marlo’s page. And I wanted to be just like “That Girl” too!


    • Of course! We are two of a kind (and with the same husbands, no less!)

      Liked by 1 person

  12. WOW. Now that’s really cool.
    Always like “That Girl” – tossing that hat and all – the humorous plots and her expressions.
    Nice to know she’s a nice person in real life
    (and YEA for YOU!)


    • I’m really happy, and she is now my favorite celebrity…. (sorry, Ralph Fiennes)

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Congratulations! That is huge! I agree with Patsyporco – you are an inspiration to me to never give up the dream.


    • My favorite quote, which I have framed on my desk:
      “It is never too late to be what you might have been.” – George Eliot


  14. Congratulations – just going over to Mario’s page to like.


  15. You are indeed an author! And a wonderful thing to be!


    • It is what I always wanted to be. Don’t get me wrong, I like my day job… but creating a story and sharing it…. it feels amazingly fantastic!


      • I hate my day job…that’s why I find it more of a recognition. A verification of self, if you will.


  16. The facebook endorsement of your book by Marlo Thomas was well deserved. I just finished reading your book and found it wonderfully entertaining. In fact, reading your post reminded me that i want to post a comment on Amazon regarding your book. 🙂


    • I am so happy you liked it! And I definitely appreciate reviews!


    • Just saw your review on Amazon! Thank you SO MUCH!


      • You’re more than welcome.I placed it on and
        I found your characters endearing and it’s really a treat to read a novel without violence. 🙂


  17. Trina Brooks

    That is such good news. I’m an author still waiting for my big break. I remember when I was thrilled to receive a personal rejection note from Neil Gaiman’s agent. He’s one of my favourite writer’s so when his agent addressed me as Dear Author. I felt I had really made it, even though it was Dear Author, Sorry but… Even the smallest recognition can make my day. Congrats on your big recognition, Marlo is an amazing woman.


  18. Congratulations, that’s awesome! I’m so pleased for you. 🙂


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