
Nancy Roman

Calendar Girl

It’s December.  That means it’s time to shop for a new calendar.

The calendars above are my work calendars from the last four years.

You may have noticed that there are six calendars.  In four years.

I am incredibly picky when it comes to calendars.  If I buy one and it doesn’t work out, I discard it and buy another. Well, I don’t exactly discard it… it’s here still.  I’m not sure why.  Maybe there was a week I wanted to save. Maybe I thought I might go back. Maybe it was just too pretty to toss. Maybe I thought I could donate it to a poor calendar-less orphan.

My calendar has to be beautiful.  Or classy.  Probably both.

I need clear dates and plenty of room to write. I’m very flexible though.  It can be weekly or daily.  And although I prefer to start the week on a Sunday, I can live with the new stupid trend that starts the week on Monday. See how flexible?

I’ve bought calendars online.  That doesn’t work.  I have to feel the texture of the cover. And the paper has to be smooth. But not slippery smooth. It can be lined, but only narrow lines. It has to lie flat when opened.

It must not be too big or too heavy, since I like to take it home in my purse. But it can’t be too small either, since my handwriting is cramped enough.

And it can’t have any decoration. I love flowers but they can’t take up writing space. Don’t even talk to me about inspirational quotes. And although I love my cats like they were children from my womb (which I often pretend they are), I can’t exactly demand budget cuts with any authority if I open my calendar in a staff meeting and Richard gets a glimpse of an adorable big-eyed kitten.

It doesn’t need conversion rates from drams to ounces, but I can ignore that.  Maps are nice.  It gives me something to look at in boring meetings.

I will travel for miles to look at a calendar.  Last year I drove thirty miles to see a calendar that I saw on the internet (but had to feel). I didn’t like it.  I went home. The next week I went thirty miles in the other direction. I found one I rather liked, but I didn’t buy it.  I wanted to see everything else first.

So after two more weeks of shopping, I decided on the one I saw in the second thirty-mile trip. But I made the drive back only to find my choice was sold out, so I ended up ordering it online after all. But I had felt it first, so I was okay.

It has worked out quite well. So I might order the exact same one again. But I want to shop around first. I might find something better. I’m gassing up the car.

I’m not sure how I got this fussy.  After all, it’s only a matter of time before it looks like this:


  1. I’m old fashioned this way too- like something I can write in, not just look up electronically.
    My favorite is the Met’s desk calendar– opens flat, plenty of space to write, gives you the entire week on one page, plus artwork.


  2. I’m glad you straightened me out because the minute you said “4 years” I counted the calendars in your picture, twice. Then I continued reading. I have all my calendars since 2002. That’s not weird is it?


    • Back at home, I have a box with calendars from my previous job. It’s a sickness.


  3. People much younger than myself look at me incredulously when I tell them that I NEVER kept any kind of calendar before I started working part-time at the new women’s shop in town, Gantos, in 1980 (for fun, because I already had a full-time job). I started out just keeping track of my hours to work at Gantos, but I soon started keeping our children’s activities on it … and it just escalated from there. I would say my calendar use peaked during the Franklin planner wave. Our company even sent us to training on how to use it! I have to say, for the rest of my working career, that little binder was always on my desk or in my purse and really kept my life organized. But they weren’t much in the looks department. Pre-Franklin, I remember enjoying picking a pretty calendar to carry in my purse. Thanks for bringing back some calendar memories of my own. 🙂

    p.s. I see a trend developing here: You write a post that reminds me of something … I write a comment … and then I think, “Hmmm, that is the basis of a post for MY blog!” Thanks for those “sparks”.


  4. I am an electronic chick. WhenI worked it was in Outlook and now it’s in my home version of outlook. The only things I note on a paper calendar are the days I put flea drops on my cats. Oh, yes, I do have the paper 2008 calendar. After being on a nasty drug for 5 years, I lost the “drug-weight” in 2008. I have my weight logged in for every day. It took 6 months to loose the 12 pounds and I don’t ever want to forget that! Now an address book is something I labor over but I only buy about every 5 years.


    • I have an iPhone, which I love. But the calendar part is rotten… where can I put my notes? How can I keep it open right in front of me? How can I change things, and continue to see my original notes too? I’m just too old-fashioned, I guess.


  5. bigsheepcommunications

    I’m with you on this, though I don’t put nearly as much effort into finding a perfect calendar. Still, it has to be laid out in a certain way, not exceed a certain size, and not have distracting backgrounds and designs. Best wishes for finding the holy grail of 2012 calendars!


  6. You really started my day off with a grin! I just went through the process of buying a good friend her 2012 calendar. It’s become a tradition that I give her the calendar as my Christmas gift to her every year, but she has to stand over my shoulder at work while SHE picks one out on Ya gotta love the calendar people! I’m not one of them. Oh, I buy them, but I don’t actually use them. I rarely even know what day it is. I’m disorganized as all get out! But I enjoy calendars, for all the reasons you mentioned. And getting a new one at the top of the year is like getting a new Big Chief tablet for the start of school. What a great feeling!


  7. Since I don’t “work” outside the home, I just keep all my appointments in my phone calendar. Don’t think I could live without that option.


  8. My favorite calendar is a mom’s version that has a slot for each member of the family. Not only does it help keep us organized, it limits the size of our family, as there are only five slots for names.


    • As good a birth control method as any, I guess. Probably better.


  9. They have to be just the right one and perfect. Calendars are life journals. Hard to leave those for electronic/ cell phone.


    • My co-worker just told me she didn’t get this at all. But at least someone UNDERSTANDS! Thanks!


  10. JSD

    Many of us understand. I’m so picky that when I need to replace one because it’s “just not right” I end up putting the past items in the new one. You never know when you might need to know what you were doing on such-and-such a day. I guess that’s a little OCD, isn’t it?


  11. If you’re going to be looking at something day-in day-out, might as well LOVE it.


  12. Your calendar collection is lovely! I am also very picky about calendars. They must be able to lie flat on my desk, have at least an inch for each day, and must be free.


  13. Those ARE beautiful calendars. And I’m the same way! I just realized today that I need to order a new calendar, and then I thought, “I should be more tech-savvy and do everything electronically.” Not gonna happen, though. I still make shopping lists by hand, too!


  14. RVingGirl

    I cannot believe it. I am SO fastidious about diaries/calendars too. I could spend HOURS at Staples or what used to be (sob sob) Borders and in Canada, Chapters. I love all those sorts of things. I have saved several and look back on them and remember my crazy mixed up life from years past. HOW did I ever manage 4 children, entertaining for my husband’s clients, school plays etc etc etc………….!!!!!!!
    I LOVE being older and only being half-crazed.
    Fabulous post……………..


  15. Yup, I understand completely. I have piles of old calendars. I had to go through an old one recently, and it was like literally going back in time to see what I did that year. I have given up on the fancier models, and just get a big, “Week-at-a-glance” model. Works great.


  16. Old Calendars help me feel younger. Because the year hasn’t changed, has it? I am not older than I was when I was using this one, right. Sigh….


  17. I never used that kind before, but it’s probably for the best. I get obsessive enough about wall calendars.


  18. A calendar must have rings, don’t you think? I need to be able to open it FLAT. Otherwise there’s no room to write near the margins.


  19. Chris

    I totally understand. I am fussy about mine as well, and look for the same style, lie flat, room for notes, great classy pictures. And then there are my favorites – old London, the Southwest – but I hate to tell you what I have for 2012 – I went past all the Monet-Van Gogh ones and bought one on the fly – CATS!


    • Just don’t bring it to work.


      • Chris

        It IS at work!.


  20. I use 3 calendars. A paper one that as you say must lay flat and have the right texture paper. Then there is the 1 on the ‘puter that has all the birthdays and stuff that keeps happening year after year. And the 1 on my phone. This one only has basics on it and I use it to check appointments and stuff when I am away from the ‘puter and paper calendars.
    Why I have all 3 I really don’t know–the paper is my favorite.


  21. Love it! I don’t work in the corporate world so in the past I’ve been drawn to women oriented calendars-not the cutesy one, but serious earthy types. But, last year I found a red Moleskine calendar and I fell in love with it. I’m currently trying to track down the same one and in red.
    What about the home wall calendar?


    • I make our wall calendars (one for him and one for me) by using my best photos from the year. I had to give anyone a free plug, but is really easy to use and not very expensive.


  22. Great post–I am exactly the same way as you are about calendars except my pickiness is about journals! I retired last year but I have all my calendars from 1988-2010 in a box in the garage–did I say that out loud??? I used the same calendar for work and personal all that time. Somehow at the end of that career seeing that stack of calendars was more impressive and fulfilling than any of the awards and plaques I earned over the years.


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