
Nancy Roman

Isn’t It Romantic?

When I was a little girl, my mother had a ridiculous idea that she was delighted to share with me.  Because I was such a princess, it was only fitting that I should marry a prince. Prince Charles, to be specific.

He was two years older than I, and a perfect match in her mind.  Through my grammar school and high school years, she followed his every move to ensure that he was being a good boy, and in my college days, she cut out pictures of the Prince of Wales and sent them to me.

(This wasn’t her only fantasy:  My mother and father took a dream vacation to Monaco when my brother was in college, and she sent him a postcard signed, “Love, your fiancee  Caroline.” He had it on his bulletin board for years.)

The day that Charles became engaged to Diana Spencer, my mother called me at work.  I had turned thirty a few weeks before, but apparently my mother hadn’t quite grown up.

“I don’t know why he couldn’t have married you!” she complained.

“He didn’t date too many of the girls from Eastern High,” I explained.

We all know what happened to Charles and his Princess.  Not happily ever after.

The real-life fairytale changed, and we heard all the sordid details about Charles and the wicked witch.  Or rather, Camilla.

Perhaps because of my many years of imaginary betrothal, I have always had a tender affection for the strange Prince.  And I have wanted for many years now to defend his honor.  So here goes:

Isn’t it romantic?

I mean, just think about it.  Charles met Camilla more than ten years before he met Diana.  He loved Camilla.  But she was “unsuitable”.  He gave her up and she married someone else.  Charles married Britain’s choice – the lovely Diana.  But Charles never stopped loving Camilla.  After Diana died, she was not only England’s princess; she was its beloved saint.  Camilla was despised.  And Charles loved her anyway, and eventually married her anyway.

I cannot for the life of me understand why women don’t think it is the most romantic story of the century.  He had beautiful Diana,

and he loved homely Camilla.

Isn’t it romantic?


I guess it might have been the gross phone calls.


  1. Well as it’s said, there are several sides to every story. So sad though. Diana was /is an icon of beauty and grace unsurpassed.


  2. I never found Diana attractive. But then, I don’t find Sarah Palin attractive either, so I guess I am just weird. Diana was 3 days younger than me. I remember watching that wedding and feeling so sorry for her. She looked so frightened in all that do-up. I couldn’t imagine being dragged into that world at that age.


    • I did like Diana, and I thought she became more beautiful as she matured. But I always felt bad for Camilla – poor plain jane who got the prince – she should have been the role model of every plain girl everywhere.


  3. Oh, no you don’t Nancy. I saw him first and my mother had the same idea. I’m English, and lived in London, so he was just down the road, so to speak. Trouble was, although Charles adored me (obviously) I had eyes only for Graham Cox, who took no notice of me. I wonder what on earth happened to Graham? He never spoke to me again after I set fire to his sister…


    • Your mother and my mother would have been dukin’ it out from different sides of the Atlantic.


  4. Kindred spirits! I have always felt a sympathy for Camilla. How hard is it to age to start with and then to be continually compared to a beautiful 36 year old who will never age. They should have let him marry who he wanted in the first place!


  5. I’m sure you’re happier with the “prince” you married!


  6. Great post! I share a birth date with the not-so-handsome prince and an unnatural love for and affinity with the sweet and tragic Diana (with just a few thousand dollars of plastic surgery, I could be a dead–oops, bad choice of words–ringer for her). I married a man unsuited for me, but he only thought he was royalty.

    Oh, I could go on and on. I just hope my ex finds happiness with the anti-me, just as Charles did with the anti-Diana. Popular opinion, be damned or damed or whatever! 😉


  7. bigsheepcommunications

    The person I’m really concerned about is your mother! Did she ever get over it?


    • She perked up a little when Charles and Diana divorced, thinking that he had come to his senses after all, but was despondent again when he married Camilla. But Mom probably has some nice little prince picked out for her great-granddaughter, Mia.


  8. Your mother sure is interesting. Nice that you appreciate her.

    There aren’t that many little princes to choose from, are there?


  9. Doncha think this would make a great opera? Love this story.


  10. Have you read Mark Helprin’s Freddy and Fredericka? A great satire, romantic comedy about Charles and Di. (Although I agree with you. Di was beautiful but seemed entirely lacking in substance…


  11. You know, when you put it like this…it is pretty damn romantic.


  12. Great angle! Hadn’t looked at it that way…


  13. I love the postcard your mother sent your brother.


  14. your mom sounds like a hoot. i’ve always thought we need a prince and princess. something more than brangelina to aspire to.


    • My mother always had a ‘different’ sense of humor.


  15. While Diana’s death is certainly tragic, I’m glad someone has finally defended Camilla. If this were a John Hughes movie and Camilla was Molly Ringwald, we would all be cheering for her and her not-so-great looks.

    Slightly related to this, it’s probably mean-spirited of me but I always silently cheer when a hot chick gets dumped for an older, less attractive woman.


  16. The story felt more sad than romantic to me — all those years wasted apart, the pretense of a marriage. I felt sorry for all three of them.


  17. pharphelonus

    You are far too vibrant for a dolt like that, Nancy.


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