
Nancy Roman

Tag Archives: Reading


Having high expectations can be a very good thing. Mostly, because I have found that when you expect the best from people, they usually give it. This is my best example. Our foyer. The carpenter who laid this floor had never done anything like this before. We showed him a photograph from a lovely mansion-turned-bed-and-breakfast …

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A List Of Your Awesomeness

This weekend I went to a birthday celebration. The man who was being honored is a ballroom dancer, and so the party was filled with other dancers. Oh my, the dancing was so lovely, I watched like I was at the ballet. And I need to take some dance lessons this year! But something else …

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The World’s Best Invention

When I wrote last month about the jewelry box my mother bought for me when I was twelve, several people located the box for sale on the web (the same place I found the photo) and suggested I buy it again. For the memory of it. But I don’t need to buy someone else’s similar …

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Know-It-All, Part II

It’s time for another installment of Know-It-All, where I offer you the best of my unsolicited and usually obvious advice – First – because I am an unapologetic smarty-pants, and Second – because they say that you should stick with what you do best – and I am much better at giving advice than taking …

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