
Nancy Roman

Midnight Conversations

12:00 AM

Stewart the Cat:  “Meow. Ha ha ha. You’re doomed. Meow.”

John Doe the Mouse: “Eek.  No no no. Eek eek.”

Me:  “Honey, wake up.”

Him: “Unhn. ”

Me:  “Honey, wake up.”

Him:  “Okay.”

12:02 AM

Stewart: “Meow. You can’t escape. Meow.”

John Doe: “Eek. Eek.  I will run under the bed. Eek.”

Me:  “Honey, wake up.”

Him: “Okay.”

Me:  You have to wake up.”

Him: “Okay.”

Me:  “Stewart has a mouse.”

Him: “Okay.”

Me:  “Go get the mouse from Stewart.”

Him: “Okay.”

12:04 AM

Stewart:  “Meow. I’ve got you now, Meow”

John Doe:  “Eek eek. Ow Ow. Eek.”

Me:  Honey, Wake up! Stewart has a mouse.”

Him: “Okay.”

Me:  “Get up!”

Him: “What I am supposed to do?”

Me:  “Get the mouse from Stewart.”

Him:  “Okay.”

12:05 AM

Stewart: “Meow. Shit.”

John Doe: “Ohhhhh….”


Me:  “Thanks, honey.”

Him: “I got out of bed.  I think I had a dream.”

Me:  “You went to the bathroom.”

Him: “Okay.”



  1. Oooooo! Things that go bump in the night! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • I hate waking up to that “eek eek eek” that I know is a mouse being chased by our cat. Our cat has now spent the last 24 hours staring at a spot in our closet. I hope when Stewart finally gets the darned thing, he leaves the body where we can find it!


  2. Funny stuff!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks, Dianna. Not that funny though when you are lying in bed hoping the cat does not bring you the mouse – and drop it on the bed – perhaps still alive.


  3. NextInLine

    I don’t comment often but you are my spirit animal. And are very cool too. Wait, whoa, was that 80s speak?
    And I love your writing and your sensibility. If that makes sense. Ha ha.

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  4. Reblogged this on ugiridharaprasad.

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  5. What else can you get him to do in his sleep?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Turn over if he is snoring… haven’t tried much else, but perhaps I should!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Dana

    He seemed really out of it. Is it just because he’s a heavy sleeper?

    Liked by 1 person

    • He was in the middle of a dream I think, and he kept trying to incorporate the whole mouse conversation into the dream so he wouldn’t have to wake up.


      • Dana

        That happens to me sometimes. Like, when I’m trying to sleep late on a weekend, and somehow, someone in my dream asks me when I’m going to get up, and what am I going to make for breakfast!


  7. The only thing close to mouse noise in the night for the hubs and me was when this horrible noise came from the AC unit outside our bedroom window. Sonething (?) met its demise by getting caught in the fan. Awful noise. Of course the husband slept right through it. I nudged him awake to go investigate. He found remnants of fur and guts and sprayed it down with the hose. We’re guessing it was a rat. Yuck.


    • Yuck is right! All the mousies in the neighborhood are trying to get in now that the weather has turned colder. It’s been one big game for our cats. Even our really fat cat came up from the cellar last night with a mouse dangling from her mouth.


      • Ray G

        Lillian??? That slow-poke?


        • She may be fat but she’s an amazing mouser.


          • Ray G

            She may not be fast, but she’s smart enough, eh?


  8. The joys of having a cat. Mine is so fat and old, he wouldn’t know what to do with a mouse if it ran in front of him. He’d probably have a heart attack.


    • All my cats love this time of year, when the mice try to get in and the cats are thoroughly entertained with murder.


  9. If he is anything like my cats, he will bring it to you as an offering. Wanting to share, perhaps he will leave it at the foot of your bed.


    • I am always afraid he will want to bring it to us IN BED. And it might or might not be totally dead.


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