
Nancy Roman

Not Quite Old Makeup #1

There are three levels of makeup:

            1. Wal-Mart

            2. Work

            3. Wedding

The Wal-Mart level is the minimum makeup I wear out in public.  This is the run-to-the-supermarket-for-milk makeup, the cat-ate-a-paperclip-go-to-vet makeup, and the ATM (but not INSIDE the bank) makeup. 

For women under forty this makeup level is also called:  NONE. 

I haven’t done ‘none’ in twenty years.  Nine years ago my husband took me makeupless to the ER with critical dehydration, but I won’t do that again.  I won’t even go back to that hospital again.

The tricky part of Level 1 makeup is athletic endeavors.  How much makeup is appropriate for Yoga? (a little) or Zumba?  (a lot, I think.)

Yesterday, my husband and I took our rubber boat to the nearby lake to paddle around for some midsummer relaxation.  So I wore: 

  • Primer – even with no foundation, primer makes my skin look smoother
  • Concealer  #1– Undereye – I may need to take off my sunglasses  
  • Concealer   #2-Age spots- which could get bigger in the sun
  • Bronzer – I need that healthy look to go out and do something healthy
  • Lipstick – a neutral, natural shade, but 18 hour duration.  The lake is pretty big.

Just about ready to leave, I took one last look at my reflection in the toaster and ran back up to the master bath.  Just a little eyeliner.  Just a little.


  1. I SO love you…I have always said if I am in a car wreck..and thrown from my car…I would crawl to my purse and apply my Dior lipstick as I pass out in the arms of the very very cute paramedic…just saying
    Love this!
    Subscribing 🙂


  2. This is a fine attribute. My mother is in her eighties and feels the same way.


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